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帽子还不错,你这个蠢蛋!Nice hat, you stupid motherfucker.

那个大坏蛋伤了我的小妹。That motherfucker hurt my little sister!

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我这还有一把呢!混蛋!I got another one right here, motherfucker.

一定是他妈的大象一样大的屁股!Musta been a big elephant-ass motherfucker.

请您杀了这混蛋,快,劈死他,劈死他!Please kill this motherfucker now. Strike him!

你这个无耻混蛋,还不肯闭上嘴是吗?This motherfucker man, won't shut up will you?

再见,莫留恋,去死!死!!!!Die motherfucker die, bye, bye, motherfucker , bye, bye!

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“是啊,”他跟我说,“瞧这可怜的狗娘养的。“Yeah, ” he tells me “and look at the poor motherfucker.

你会发现自己心满意足。I think you're gonna find yourself one smilin' motherfucker.

去死,混蛋!是时候闭上眼了!Die, motherfucker , die! Ugh, time's up, bitch, close ya eyes.

把门打开,你这愚蠢的鸟人,把这该死的门打开!Open the door, you stupid motherfucker. Open the fucking door!

为什么那个杂种要给我们免费的门票呢?。Why would that cheap motherfucker give us free tickets to the playoffs?

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我怎么会落得跟这个丑八怪在一起?In her mind, she’s thinking, “How did I end up with this ugly motherfucker?

我们都十八岁,除了罗尼,他十九岁,是我们中最卑鄙的王八蛋。All of us were eighteen except Ronnie who was nineteen and the meanest motherfucker in the bunch.

虽然我走在山谷里,死亡的阴影笼罩着我,但是我不害怕,因为我是这个山谷里最坏的人。Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, because I am the baddest motherfucker in the goddamn valley.

而且我也从没去想过它到底是什么意思,我以为它只是在杀掉那些杂种之前一些冷血的宣言。I never really questioned what it meant. I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before you popped a cap in his ass.

当一位神秘的创办人表现出不承认这笔钱的迹象后,菲菲和他的死党在后台发起飙来,骂他是“混帐东西”,用枪顶住了他的脸颊。When the mysterious promoter shows signs of not coughing up the money, Fifi and chums storm backstage, call him a "motherfucker" and shove a shotgun in his face.