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她们是孤独症患者,对她们来说,这很正常。They are autistic, and for them this is normality.

游程检验不要求正态性假设。The runs test does not require the normality assumption.

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但对莫里尼奥来说,他立刻就调整过来了。But for Mourinho, normality had been self-enforced immediately.

一个三元酸溶液的当量浓度是它的莫耳浓度的三倍。The normality of a solution of a triprotic acid is three times its molarity.

对200多头母鸭的12个计量性状进行了正态测验。The normality was tested by analysing 12 metric characters of 200 female ducks.

在正规性理论,群系理论等问题有教深入的研究。We are good at deal with problems on normality of subgroups and formation theory.

在5月份的一次电视访谈中,他们表现出了邻家男孩的普通性。Appearing together in May in a TV interview, they showed their boys-next-door normality.

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结果正态性检验和频率分布曲线分析显示,所获数据符合或基本符合正态分布。A normal distribution of our data was shown using the normality test and distribution curve.

在第三章,我们得到了与分担值相关的亚纯函数的几个正规定则。In charpter3, we will discuss the normality of meromorphic functions concerning shared values.

经常检查电路系统及自动控制系统和仪表的正常性和灵敏性。Check the normality and sensitivity of the circuitry system as well as the auto-control system.

莫言小说性爱诉求的运行轨迹是从常态走向变态,即从“野性的证明”走向了“泛性的枵渴”。The sexual love pursuit in Mo Yans novels has gone through a procss from normality to abnormality.

研究涉及一个分担值的全纯函数族的正规定则。Some criteria for normality of families of holomorphic functions with one shared-value are studied.

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第一章介绍生存美学理论的基本要义和同性恋现象的正常性。Chapter one introduces the main ideas of the Aesthetics of Existence and normality of homosexuality.

而采用KH线性插值推理也存在着难以保证推理结果的凸性和正规性等问题。It is also difficult to keep convexity and normality using KH linear interpolative reasoning method.

一旦在星际领域,他们会被给予许多关心和照顾,以确保迅速地回到常态。Once in the Astral regions much attention and caring is given, to ensure a prompt return to normality.

碱液的当量浓度等于能中和它的酸的当量数。The normality of a solution of a base is equal to the number of equivalents of acid it can neutralize.

巴克推断说,这是因为他们把疯狂的一面深深的掩藏在他们正常的外表下。This, Barker deduced, was because they were burying their insanity deep beneath a facade of normality.

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如果你能做到对坦克和装甲兵运输车视而不见,这里确实有了一丝如常的气息。Well, if you ignore the tanks and the armoured personnel carriers, there is a sense of normality here.

长期氢皮质素治疗使尿17—KS降为正常是本病最基本的疗法。The fundamental treatment is the longterm use of hydrocorticosterone to lower urine 17—KS to normality.

布什说到有迹象表明伊拉克正逐渐恢复常态并赞扬了其在立法方面所取得的成就。Mr. Bush said scientists of normality are returning to Iraq and he praised recent legislated achievements.