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1874年,在西北卡罗拉多,这个团队碰到了一个尤特人的营地。In 1874, the party came across a Ute camp in northwestern Colorado.

这也是对奥沙的东科,在尤特和普韦布洛印第安人的家园。It was also the homeland of the Osage, the Kaw, the Ute and the Pueblo Indians.

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恳求处理步骤不克孕育发生一个子过程或施行代后的反响已发送。A request handler cannot spawn a sub-process or ute code after the response has been sent.

到目前为止,只有模糊的玩笑话照片和两个细节杆的'尤特已被释放。So far, only a blurred teaser photo and two details shots of the ' ute have been released.

高级船员应当组织下属船员执行船长命令,督促下属船员履行职责。Officers shall organize subordinate seamen to ute the capital's orders and urge them to perform their duties.

调解组织应当督促人事争议双方当事人履行调解协议。The mediation organization shall see that both parties to the perso el di ute implement the mediation agreement.

事件发生后仅几个星期,他撞上聚苯乙烯报道,在马克利街,波茨雷克萨斯他尤特停泊点。The incident took place just weeks after PS reported he crashed his ute into a parked Lexus in Macleay Street, Potts Point.

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巡官阿特金斯说,一个17岁的男孩昨天在黎明前开动自己的皮卡车,一不小心就碾过了两个青年。Inspector Atkins said a 17-year-old boy was moving his ute just before dawn yesterday and accidentally ran over the two teens

在公园里能看到200英里内丹佛市和一些平原的全貌,很久以前,这些平原是犹特部落钟爱的宿营地。The park which boasts a 200-mile panoramic view of Denver and the plains was in times far past a favored campsite of the Ute tribe.

虽然Mini的克罗斯曼表明作为一个薄含蓄的概念在2008年巴黎车展上,工作仍在进行中的Mini的子宫。Although the MINI Crossman was shown as a thinly-veiled concept at the 2008 Paris Motor Show, work is still ongoing on the mini ' ute.

新的'尤特将关闭目前索兰托的强硬外观,但会增加明快的整体线条和更现代的外观。The new ' ute will build off the current Sorento's tough looking exterior, but will add crisper lines and an overall more modern look.

目前路虎揽胜推出早在2002年为2003年,而是一个更新版本的大'尤特是正确的每个角落。The current Land Rover Range Rover debuted way back in 2002 as a 2003, but a refreshed version of the big ' ute is right around the corner.

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两名青年男女正在与生命做斗争,他们今天早间于Orange附近的露营地睡觉时被一辆工具车无意中辗轧。Two teenagers are fighting for their lives after being hit by a ute while they were asleep in their swags at a campsite near Orange early today.

警方说,今早大约5点钟,一名17岁的露营者在营地挪车时无意中轧过尚在睡觉的他们。They were asleep in their camping swags when a ute being driven by a 17yearold fellow camper inadvertently drove over them about 5am, police said.

上级人民检察院应当及时作出决定,通知下级人民检察院和公安机关执行。The higher-level people's procuratorate shall make a timely decision and instruct the lower-level people's procuratorate and the public security organ to ute it.

两青年因与老同学在悉尼西部近奥兰芝的地方聚会,夜晚睡在行囊内露宿路边,被一辆皮卡车碾过,抢救无效,双双死亡。Two teenagersaccidentally run over by a ute as they slept in a swag at a party withold school friends near Orange, west of Sydney, have now both died inhospital.

德国慕尼黑大学的乌特•威尔伯特-拉姆彭博士以及同事们发现,球赛开始后两个小时通常是心脏病的高发阶段。Cardiac emergencies usually occurred within two hours of the start of a match, Dr Ute Wilbert-Lampen of Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich and colleagues found.

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也许是最有争议的角度将成为体育尤特的前端小格栅,大灯,雾灯和似乎相比微不足道的车辆的整体大小。Perhaps the most controversial angle will be the sport- ute 's front-end as the small grille, headlights, and fog lights seem tiny compared to the vehicle's overall size.

因为俺们公司没有权限从宁波海关出口,暂时不能提供从宁波海关出口地报关资料,不能跟UTE的货物壹起运出。Because we have no jurisdiction from ningbo customs export, temporarily unable to provide customs declaration of export from ningbo UTE with material goods shipped together.