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看看她那玫瑰色的面颊。Look at her rosy cheeks.

他脸色红润,头发金黄。He was all rosy and blond.

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我新近给你送上了一束玫瑰花。I sent thee late a rosy wreath.

这婴儿的面颊红红胖胖的。The baby HAS rosy plump cheeks.

这个小女孩脸色红润。The little girl has a rosy face.

这个小女孩脸色红润。The little girl has rosy cheeks.

云蒸霞蔚。The rosy clouds are slowly rising.

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她粉嫩的颊上还留着我的吻。I left my kiss upon her rosy cheek.

她面色红润,身体健康,着实可爱。She was admirably rosy and healthy.

如今那种梦想似乎也不那么乐观了。That dream does not seem so rosy now.

天空映出了彩霞。Rosy clouds stand out against the sky.

对着西方天空里玫瑰色的云彩。To the rosy clouds in the western sky.

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它道破了玫瑰般肌肤与受孕子宫的秘密。It speaks of Rosy flesh and seeded womb.

我刚刚搜寻了一些粉红胸鹨的照片。I just searched some photos of Rosy pipits.

她最后穿着一条玫瑰紫的长裙参加了晚宴。At last she chose a rosy dress to the party.

她粉红色的双颊已渐衰萎。The rosy colour of her cheeks has died away.

傍晚的云霞绚丽多彩。In the evening the rosy clouds were gorgeous.

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有棕榈树的小岛生如夏日朝霞般瑰丽!Born as rosy and magnificent as summer sunglow!

一剂毒药使得吵闹的良人的鼻子变成玫瑰色。A dose of poison made the noisy manas nose rosy.

原来彩霞的美丽是我勾画的。Originally the rosy clouds beauty is my outline.