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监视高并行批处理作业的步骤如下所示The steps for monitory highly parallelized batch jobs are

要熟读法律要做金融上的专家要精通银行的业务和税务。Be legally adept be a monitory expert. be competent with taxes and banking.

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既有的文献认为“控制权私有收益等于大股东对小股东的侵害”。The existing literatures deem PBC is the exploitation of the monitory stockholders.

变电站是输配电系统中的重要环节,是电网的主要监控点。Substation is an important link in transmission system and major monitory point in the grid.

记忆监测研究是记忆研究领域的热点和难点问题之一。The research of memory monitory is one of hotspot and difficult questions of memory research fields.

介绍了某航空器液体加注过程中液位实时数据采集与处理系统的设计。The design of a real-time data acquisition and processing system that was used for the monitory of fuel filling op of an aircraft was introduced.

该产品经国家高压电器质量监督检验中心检验,各项指标均达到国家标准。This product has been inspected by National High-voltage Quality Monitory and Inspection center, with its indices proved to meet the national standard.

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本文通过对巷道围岩的变形监测、锚杆锚固力监测达到对锚杆支护质量的监测。In this paper, by the monitoring of rock stress behavior around mine opening and the monitory of anchoring force, the monitoring of the bolt is realized.

由于自由市场机制的调节,对各种不同的投资而言,它们金钱上和非金钱部分的投资总回收处于动态平衡状态的。For all kinds of investments, the total return including monitory and non-monitory should be in the equilibrium condition as being adjusted by the free market.

此外,电力部门的电力数据采集结合图像监控功能,将更加完善用电环境的实时控制和系统的安全使用。In addition, integrated the function of image monitory system, it will certainly improve the real time control for electric power environment and system security.

研究结果表明,基于多基线近景数字摄影测量技术的边坡变形监测是科学可行的,可用于各种边坡的监测,如露天矿边坡、排土场、尾矿坝等,能实现边坡点和面的变形监测。It used for slope monitoring, such as the open pit slope, the dump, the tailing dam, and so on, and also achieve the point and surface deformation monitory of slope.

超成像因其成本低、使用方便及实时成像等优点,已成为HIFU治疗中实时监控和疗效评价的重要手段。B-mode imaging is a significant way for real-time monitory and therapeutic evaluation in HIFU therapy due to its characteristics of low-cost, convenience and real-time imaging.