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驾驶舱风挡、窗口加大。The windshield of the cockpit is enlarged.

马克一边厉声地说,一边钻进驾驶舱。Mark snaps as he climbs back into the cockpit.

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萨伦伯格察看了血迹斑斑的驾驶舱。Sully peered into the blood-splattered cockpit.

会堂变成了危机出现时的驾驶室。The auditorium becomes a gigantic cockpit in crisis.

我试过那个女人,发现她下面好紧。I tried that chick and found she had a tight cockpit.

8火炮系统安装在座舱和机头的下方。The GAU-8 gun system is under the cockpit and the nose.

一路上我都可以从驾驶舱里闻到火药味。I can smell the gunpowder all the way up here in the cockpit.

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横梁和驾驶舱部分排序和被转移到小船。Transom and cockpit components sorted and being moved to the boat.

活动龙骨舱需要占据船只驾驶舱或卧舱的空间The centerboard trunk takes up space in the boat’s cockpit or cabin

横梁和驾驶舱部分排序和被转移到小船。Transom mand cockpit components sorted and being moved to the boat.

起落架为后三点式,驾驶员座舱为全开放式。After the three-point landing gear to the cockpit for the whole open.

出现在驾驶舱后面的宇航技工机器人是可以换的。The astromech droid head seen behind the cockpit was interchangeable.

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亚特兰蒂斯被选为第一个轨道器获得的玻璃座舱。Atlantis was chosen as the first orbiter to receive the glass cockpit.

在我走进驾驶舱的时候,我发现了一条正直瞪着我看的鱿鱼!I walked into the cockpit and therewas a squid there looking up at me!

我们觉得好像在一个半水生的座舱里精致的金色反光。We feel like in a subaquatic cockpit with delicate golden reflections.

在驾驶舱前面的飞行是美国宇航局1966年的试飞员米尔特汤普森。In the cockpit ahead of a 1966 flight is NASA test pilot Milt Thompson.

一个主要的应用是扑灭驾驶舱的火焰,他说。One application of key interest is extinguishing cockpit fires, he said.

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盖特威克机场里头每个驾驶舱里头的气氛都变得十分紧张。Tension in every cockpit out around Gatwick was definitely running high.

直升飞机上二台发动机荚舱在驾驶员座舱的后面。Two engines are podded to the helicopter just to the rear of the cockpit.

增加了坐舱视野在后半球的开阔角度。Increased the angle you can turn the cockpit camera in the rear hemisphere.