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于是他按响了门铃。He rings the doorbell.

我再次按下了门铃。I rang the doorbell again.

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门铃响了,我在楼上等着。When doorbell rang I waited.

“叮咚,”门铃响了。Ding- dong, " went the doorbell."

门铃叮当响,我却充耳不闻。Doorbell rings , I'm not listening.

我摇了摇铃,但是没有人来。I rang the doorbell but no one came.

你应该先按下门铃。You should press the doorbell first.

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你觉得我是怎么把门铃按响的?How do you think I rang the doorbell?

一的夏天的早晨,我的门铃响了。One summer morning, my doorbell rang.

我按了门铃但没人应门。I rang the doorbell but no one answered.

黎明时他被门铃声吵醒。He was roused by the doorbell at daybreak.

万圣节的一天,家里门铃响了。丁冬.。One Halloween our doorbell rang. Ding Dong.

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我按了按门铃。叮当!可没有人回答。I rang the doorbell. Ding- dong ! No answer.

我刚入睡,门铃突然响了起来。I had just fallen asleep when the doorbell rang.

我一直按门铃,但没人开门。I kept ringing the doorbell but nobody answered.

一下短促的、胆怯的门铃声惊起了她。A short, timid ring at the doorbell summoned her.

品如生气的按响了艾莉的门铃。Product such as angry rang the doorbell ellicott.

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推销员按了一下门铃,没有人应门。The salesman rings the doorbell but nobody answers.

门铃再次响起,那只的蟑螂站在那儿。The doorbell rang. The cockroach was standing there.

黎明时他被门铃声从床上唤起来。He was routed out of bed by the doorbell at daybreak.