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洗净你的盘子。Clean your plate.

制作一个钟盘。Make a plate clock.

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给偶一个纸盘。I need a paper plate.

请倒蔌我一个盘子。Pass me a plate please.

把这金盘子化掉。Melt down the gold plate.

把沙拉酱放在盘子上。Put the salad on the plate.

本垒板后的女孩。The girl behind home plate.

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他把食物堆放在盘子里。He heaped food on the plate.

牌照可是我付了钱的呀。I paid for my license plate.

我把它们放在玻璃板上。I put them on a glass plate.

我要一盘青菜。I want a plate of vegetables.

将煎好的蛋皮移入一个大盘子内。Slide out onto a large plate.

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这就是那块施过魔法的盘子。This is the plate that hexed.

我的头颅被摆上银盘。For my head on a silver plate.

这盘子的边是蓝色的。The edge of the plate is blue.

盘子烫得没法碰。The plate was too hot to touch.

槽体与承板。Trough solid and carrier plate.

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你刚才碰过我的盘子了吗?Did you touch my plate just now?

每只是盘里放一点儿。Just put a little on each plate.

国王用银盘子进餐。The king dines off silver plate.