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爱情是肀裧生活最好的提神剂。Love is the greatest refreshment in life.

爱情是主流签名档最好的提神剂。love is the greatest refreshment in life.

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爱情是生活最好的提神剂。Love is the greatest refreshment in life.

渴望得到的茶点终于来了。At last the longed-for refreshment arrived.

在所有车站里都有食品售货亭。At all stations there are refreshment kiosks.

冰淇淋在热天是解暑提神的佳品。Ice cream is a good refreshment on a hot day.

喝一杯即饮柠檬茶令你怡神醒脑!For refreshment? A Glass of Instant Lemon Tea!

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爱情是生活最好的提神剂。爱情。Love is the great justest refreshment in life.

旁观者纷纷离座去吃点心。The spectators dropped off to get refreshment.

有一个小的点心厨房和烧烤设备。There is a refreshment kitchenette and barbecue.

在人生烦中我们在诗寻得怡适。Amid life's worries we find refreshment in poetry.

到兰多尔斯去提提神,这是绝对必要的。The refreshment of Randalls was absolutely necessary.

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与顺从的基督徒相交会使人畅快欢喜。There's refreshment infellowshipping with obedient Christians.

我灵饥渴,唯有祢的同在才能使我舒畅。My soul hungers and thirsts for the refreshment of thy presence.

任何一件自然之物都是一件艺术品,精品,神品。Any natural thing is an artwork, competitive product and refreshment.

本工作坊备有茶点及轻便午膳招待,费用全免。Refreshment and light lunch will be served. This workshop is free of charge.

费用包括研讨会资料、证书及茶歇。The fee includes seminar materials, certificate of attendance and refreshment.

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本活动备有茶点及轻便午膳招待。费用全免。This event is free of charge. And, refreshment and light lunch will be served.

做这种气功,也能达到清火明目,怡神醒脑的目的。Practising this kind of Qigong can also result in clear vision and refreshment.

耶稣讲论的事物在哪些方面提供我们属灵的更新?In what ways does the food Jesus spoke of provide us with spiritual refreshment?