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当你开始感到小说急不可待的脉动时,就动笔写作。Write your story when you begin to feel its insistent pulse.

从有礼貌但固执的学生身上我发现了类似的义愤。I found similar indignation from polite but insistent students.

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我卧室里没完没了的电话铃声吵醒了我。The insistent ringing of the telephone in my bedroom wakened me.

在洞穴的这块地方,他们能够听到持续的轰响。In this part of the cave, they could hear an insistent booming sound.

它们是迫切的,它拒绝推迟和无意义的手段。An army of sperm is insistent. It spurns delay and pointless diplomacy.

一个咄咄逼人的声音指示他把房间的一面墙漆成黑色。An insistent voice instructed him to paint a wall of the room in black.

如此坚持不懈的试验是一种致力于资本主义目的的学术手段。Such insistent experimentation is an academic means to a capitalist end.

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我们会仰慕那些富有激情的坚持不懈观点,并且被它们吸引,找出它的魅力。We envy, are attracted to, and find charismatic the passionately insistent.

更不必说,死神的长柄大镰刀此后只会变得更加坚决。Needless to say, the Reaper’s scything only grows more insistent thereafter.

但是,一些患者对使用抗生素非常坚持,以至于医生也只好做出让步。But some patients are so insistent on getting antibiotics that doctors give in.

“在染缸那儿,”我快活地重复道,立即被戳得缩了下身子,第二指更坚决了。“By the dye vats, ” I repeated cheerily, and flinched at a second, more insistent poke.

但是同时,这本小说在政治上的意义就像街角小册子一般重要。But it's also a work whose political agenda is as insistent as a street corner pamphleteer.

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中国却经常对这种期望产生怀疑,并且对于很多角色坚持自己的底线。China is often suspicious of that expectation and insistent on its own terms for any such role.

可以肯定的是不到一个星期莱姆布莱萨的胃口就恢复了。And, sure enough, within a week Ramprasad's appetite returned, insatiable and insistent as before.

检索条件转换是多构件库检索亟待解决的问题。Retrieval in multi-library brings insistent demands for the transformation of retrieval conditions.

我正和一个耆那教和尚交谈,他坚持认为前世因缘造成今世贫穷。I was talking with a Jaina monk, and he was very insistent that it is past karmas which create poverty.

“市场第一,客户第一,质量第一,信誉第一”是我们多年来一贯坚持的方针。Market First, Customers Primary, Quality Utmost, and Credit Paramount is our longtime insistent policy.

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针对订定的目标,幼稚园儿童也能找到一个相对应的策略来解决。They will use strong insistent strategy for self-interested purpose, but not for seeking fairness goal.

康纳斯坚持机会主义带来的疑惑只是让发球者心中更增一份恐惧而已。The doubt planted by Connors' insistent opportunism only made it that much more dreadful to serve to him.

但狗对人类愚蠢行为的一概熟视无睹逐渐吸引了他的注意。But the dog's insistent ignorance of all things connected withhuman stupidity gradually drew his attention.