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应用程序很高兴对所有这些活动一无所知。An application is blissfully unaware of all this activity.

他们似乎看到未来的幸福之路在眼前展开,直至相携到老。They had seen the years blissfully stretching ahead of them, together forever.

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她开始担心了,但幸而不知道这些潜在后果。She was concerned but still blissfully ignorant of the potential ramifications.

为什么人类可以这么幸福的无视自己性格中的某些方面呢?Why are people so blissfully ignorant of certain aspects of their personalities?

对外面的世界而言,尼泊尔这几个月来似乎是像天堂一样平和。TO MUCH of the outside world, Nepal has seemed blissfully quiet in recent months.

他们是真正教人如何快乐幸福地生活的老师。They were true teachers about how to live blissfully and go through life blessedly.

接下来的几天,我充溢欢乐地将苏菲的头发夹到她头顶去了。For the next few days I blissfully clip Sofie's hair into a fountain on the top of her head.

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无所不知与茫然无知之间,一定有适得其所之处。There must be a happy medium somewhere between being totally informed and blissfully unaware.

在这异常安静的房间里,她把我放在一张桌子上,揉着我的耳朵叫我不要惦念。A blissfully quiet room. She placed me on the table and rubbed my ears, and told me not to worry.

我的小房间还算舒适,但是我太警醒睡不着,我不知道为什么黑夜不会降临到我头上。I was blissfully comfortable and happy in the cocoon of my roomette, but far too wakeful to sleep.

首先,许多女性对于正常大小的伴侣,都会感觉很幸福。In the first place, so many women are blissfully happy with partners who are just average in size.

郝家的孙儿从不知爷爷在外头有多「威风」。The Hau grandchildren are blissfully unaware of Grandad's fearsome reputation in the outside world.

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未长成的孩子因为天真无邪,所以在这一点上他们更能轻松应对,原因是他们还没有学会怎么去抵制。Children, unformed and blissfully ignorant, have an easier time of it, for they haven’t learned what to reject.

我们同样还幸福地活在流行文化和趋势之外,这样它们也不能影响我们的购物决定。We’re also blissfully unaware of popular culture and trends, so they have no influence on our consumer decisions.

当你从事于你热忠的业余爱好并忘记了时间的飞逝时,你已经深触到了你的灵魂。You've touched your Essence when you blissfully engage in your favorite hobby and suddenly you've lost track of time.

从书的封面开始就充满趣味性,有一张是上个世纪五十年代拍摄的珍贵照片,一辆在繁忙而安静的街道上行驶的中国式微型小客车。The fun begins with the book's cover, an unusual photo from the 1950s of Chinese minicars on a blissfully quiet street.

有些浪漫想到一个不注意便绕过了这个重点,不经意地导致了致命错误。Other romance guides blissfully skirt around this important tip, potentially leading their unwary followers to a fatal misstep.

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该软件中一系列的带通EQ滤波器非常干净地消除了令人讨厌的波段,终于让比赛不再受到呜呜祖啦的滋扰。A series of bandpass EQ filters in the software neatly excise the offensive frequencies, leaving the game blissfully vuvuzela-free.

他写到,还幸福地忽视了依靠设计的数字模型而不降最坏的情况考虑在内的危险。Also blissfully ignored, he wrote, were the perils of relying on mathematical models devised without worst-case situations in mind.

通俗地说,就是“大家凑钱买证券,有福同享,有难同当”。Speaking popularly, "everybody pools money and buys the securities, enjoys blissfully together, sticks together through hick and thin ".