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并立即有一个响亮的霹雳。And immediately there was a loud thunderclap.

怎么样,我的大名如雷贯耳吧!How, my name like a thunderclap piercing the ear!

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这是我听过最响的雷声。That was the loudest thunderclap I've ever heard.

突然间一阵可怖的霹雳当头响了起来。Suddenly there comes a terrible thunderclap overhead.

突然间,一阵可怕的霹雳当头响了起来。Suddenly there comes a terrible thunderclap overhead.

雷霆一击冷却从4秒增加到6秒。Thunderclap cooldown increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds.

老头儿一沾到床,立刻鼾声大作。As soon as they put him in the bed he begins to snore like thunderclap.

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暴风雨中,惊雷霹雳,震颤心灵,小孩子却因此兴奋不已。In the storm, the thunderclap trembled our mind, but the child were even excited.

汇金公司的增持更是雷声大雨点小。Collects the golden company to increase holds is the thunderclap big raindrop is small.

甲处一声霹雳响过,乙处一双男女堕入了爱河。In the duration of a thunderclap in one place, two people could fall in love in another.

强化雷霆一击现在降低4点怒气消耗,双倍伤害,双倍减速效果。Improved Thunderclap now reduces rage cost4 points, doubles the damage, and doubles the slow effect.

外面,天空中响起了一阵隆隆的雷声——姑娘们吓坏了,但是米歇尔的脸上露出了笑容。Outside, a thunderclap rumbled in the skies-0frightening the girls but leaving a smile on Michele’s face.

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突然,在我们头顶五六丈的上空,发出一声可怕的霹雳,闪电像利剑一样直插下来,天空被彻底吹裂了!All of sudden, there came a terrible thunderclap about fifty feet directly above our heads, and a bolt thrust downward like sharp sword. The sky was brought into pieces.

亲爱的,我爱你,我发誓以后一定不会做出对不起你的事,要是我做了,定遭天打雷劈,不得好死!Dear of, I love you, I swear hereafter can't certainly do a sorry your business, if I do, certainly encountering for a day, the thunderclap splits, don't die a natural death!

有一个需要考虑的就是DK没有一个很好的拉群怪的起手,诸如骑士的飞盾啊奉献啊战士的雷霆。One concern that I think is valid is that the DK tank doesn't have a great opener for group pulls yet, something like the pally 's shield or Consecrate or the warrior's Thunderclap.