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我们问他吠檀多是什么意思。We asked him what he meant by Vedanta.

这是我在吠檀多寺里的证悟。This was My Realization, in the Vedanta Temple.

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四处走动时,很难找到看不见万达塔这个名字的地方。It is hard to move without seeing the name Vedanta.

他发现师父是吠檀多经文的具体表现。He found in the Master the embodiment of the Vedanta scriptures.

韦丹塔公司指出,部落居民中反对采矿的人只是少数。Vedanta argues that the tribal people opposing the mine are a minority.

多达布里开始传授室利罗摩克里希纳吠檀多伟大的真理。Totapuri began to impart to Sri Ramakrishna the great truths of Vedanta.

因此,“罪”在吠檀多中就不能占据重要位置,罪即“无明”。So 'sin' does not occupy an important place in Vedanta. 'Sin' is ignorance.

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韦丹塔界定真正作为常任理事国和虚幻是暂时的。Vedanta defines the real as being permanent and the unreal as being temporary.

该专家解释对学生的教诲,韦丹塔,什么是婆罗门。The guru explains to the students the teachings of vedanta and what is Brahman.

万达塔希望炼铝厂一年至少能生产一百万吨铝。Vedanta hopes the refinery will produce at least one million tonnes of alumina a year.

师父希望通过教导非二元论吠檀多来训练纳兰德。The Master wanted to train Narendra in the teachings of the non-dualistic Vedanta philosophy.

穆克什·库马尔,该项目的首席执行官,否认韦丹塔公司曾侵犯过任何权利。Mukesh Kumar, chief operating officer of the project, denies that Vedanta has violated any rights.

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在不同的国家,他写了许多关于Kesari吠檀多文化的文章。He has contributed articles to The Vedanta Kesari on the Culture and Civilization of Various nations.

正是隐藏在圣山斜坡下的矿物资源吸引万达塔来到奈彦吉利。It is the mineral wealth lying beneath the slopes of the mountain that has drawn Vedanta to Niyamgiri.

当人依照吠檀多哲学的方式进行区分,神的形式和外貌就会消失。The forms and aspects of God disappear when one discriminates in accordance with the Vedanta philosophy.

他预见了一个仍然还未来到的伟大体验,意识到吠檀多的每一句话都是真实。He had a foretaste of the great experiences yet to come and realized that the words of the Vedanta were true.

印度古代许多哲学流派如吠檀多等,都是奥义书的直接或间接继承者。Many ancient Hindu philosophical schools including Vedanta are inherited directly or indirectly from Upanishads.

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根据吠檀多的书籍,据说体验无余依三摩地之后,身体会像枯叶那样死去。In the Vedanta books it is said that after the experience of nirvikalpa samadhi the body drops off like a dry leaf.

本部在英国的韦塔丹资源公司已计划在印度奥里萨邦东部增开六倍多的炼铝厂。British-based Vedanta Resources had planned a six-fold expansion of its aluminum refinery in the eastern Orissa state.

师父知道哈里热衷于吠檀多,但他并不希望任何门徒成为单纯的禁欲者或者是书呆子。The Master knew Hari's passion for Vedanta . But he did not wish any of his disciples to become a dry ascetic or a mere bookworm.