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宝马X1BMW X1

这辆车是辆宝马车。This car is a BMW.

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我可以驾你的宝马与你一起游车河吗?Can I ride with U in Ur BMW?

日本有索尼,墨西哥有科罗娜,德国有宝马,韩国有三星,中国有什么?Mexico has Corona. Germany has BMW.

这次摸彩的头等奖是一辆新的宝马汽车。The draw's first prize is a new BMW.

看那辆红色宝马x6,是我的新车。Look that red BMW X6. It's my new car.

宝马是奔驰的对立面。BMW is the antithesis of Mercedes-Benz.

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我喜欢在山间开着宝马车兜风。I like driving my BMW in the mountains!

我觉得宝马能制造出道路上最酷的汽车。I think BMW makes the slickest car on the road.

排在第三的是宝马车队的罗伯特库比卡。Third fastest was Robert Kubica for BMW Sauber.

宝马和奥迪车的车牌均是伪造的。Both the BMW and Audi lacked proper license tags.

去年四季度,宝马售出321,908辆车。In the fourth quarter, BMW sold 321, 908 vehicles.

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然而现在,宝马正试图打破这个怪圈。Now, though, BMW is attempting to break the cycle.

丰田和宝马公司的新厂房都建在了美国的南部。New factories from Toyota and BMW are in the South.

宝马在可替代能源方面也有一段曲折的过去。BMW also has a checkered past with alternative fuels.

“我有一辆宝马735,”里奇蒙德说,“我爱极了那车。”“I had a BMW 735,” says Richmond. “I loved that car.”

对于预期销售多少1系列车,宝马没有明说。BMW is coy about how many 1-Series it expects to sell.

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宝马i8概念车也亮相预展。The BMW i8 concept also appeared at the sneak preview.

“我有一辆宝马735,”里奇蒙德说,“我爱极了那车。”“I had a BMW 735, ” says Richmond. “I loved that car.”

宝马公司已经造出了一辆M1,而且还相当不错。BMW have already created an M1, and it was rather good.