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在这之后其他还有圣经的形象。Again there is a biblical iconography behind this.

此外,运用图标也是一种不错的方法。Iconography is a common application of this strategy.

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在古近东时期的肖像研究中我们看见过这样的宝座。And we have in Ancient Near Eastern iconography thrones of this type.

一些用于图标设计及文案设计的点子A couple of points to keep in mind regarding the iconography and copywriting

这是对信仰的图解,你可以看到日期,他们会标上日期,比如1868年This is an iconography of belief,and you can see the dates because they'll put the date,like 1868.

河北医科大学第二医院医学影像科。SETTING Department of Medical Iconography the Second Affiliated Hospital of Hebei Medical University.

VGB为男装写下了新的一页,其灵感来自詹姆斯邦德和其他神秘男士的肖像集。VGB dropped a new line of mens clothing inspired by the iconography of James Bond and other men of mystery.

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他们还抬着著名的pasos——装饰华丽的平台,上面放着宗教图像和肖像。They alsocarry Seville’s famous pasos, richly ornamented platforms bearing religious iconography and images.

磁共振胰胆管造影已成为技师和临床医师评估胰胆管系统的重要影像学手段。MRCP has become the major means for technicians and clinicians to assess iconography of pancreas cystic duct.

棕榈叶是基督教里同圣枝主日与复活节联系在一起的传统图案。The palm branch is traditional Christian iconography associated with the celebrations of Palm Sunday and Easter.

他们的身体属于精美的时尚杂志、热线广告和光怪陆离的霓虹灯。Their bodies belong to the iconography of glossy illustrated magazines, advertisements, neon signs and hot-line ads.

韩氏擅用塑胶彩喷笔,结合方圆之形与状,自成一套意象。Hon works with acrylic spray gun, and coalesces circle and square, form and format to create his personal iconography.

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这象征着上帝,它甚至与典型的儿童,插图中的卷曲状和白色胡须状一模一样,好了。Well, it's a God symbol. It's even got that typical children's book iconography of the curls and the white beard. Okay.

我设计图标的第一步是项目的分析,我们从客户提供的资料中尽最大可能提取可能用到的信息。The first step, in an iconography project, is naturally the briefing. We extract from the client the maximum of possible informatio.

在圣像中,她以手捧盛有自己双眼的圆盘的殉道者的形象出现,是掌管眼疾和失明的神。She is represented in iconography as a young martyr holding her eyes on a plate, and is the patron saint of eye problems and blindness.

如果你觉得我读的,片段中的形象很有说服力,那么你们去想想会什么会信服,作为读者。And, if you felt you were convinced by my reading of that iconography in these passages, then you want to think about why that's convincing.

她那在田园牧歌般景色中的窈窕少女和温驯动物的画像是一种个人的抒情创作——富于联想的而非缺乏想象力的。Her iconography of sylphlike girls and gentle animals in an Arcadian landscape is a personal lyric invention-suggestive rather than literal.

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卖宗教肖像的商店和乌烟瘴气的桌球室让位于托斯卡纳式的宾馆和西班牙小食店,数量增加了一倍和爵士吧一样多。Shops selling religious iconography and smoky billiards halls are giving way to Tuscan-style hotels and tapas spots that double as jazz bars.

本展览通过作品展现了这些民间宗教意像如何被仪式化,如何被艺术地表现以及这是如何发生的。Through examples, the exhibition shows how the iconography of these civil religions is ritualized and artistically represented and how it works.

进行性骨化性肌炎的诊断依赖于其渐进性的病程特点和典型畸形及相应的影像学改变。The diagnosis of Myositis Ossificans Progressiva depends on the progressive ectopic ossification and typical malformation with iconography abnormal.