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您已经拥有了一个索引。So you have an index.

这本书有个索引。The book has an index.

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指数回升。The index is picking up.

所以,这就是我的索引号。So that gives me my index.

索引印在书的前页。The index is at the front.

但是同时返回的是索引号。i-1 But with index i minus 1.

那么口红指数真的没用吗?So is the lipstick index dead?

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该指数目前位于170.The index is currently at 170.

本项世界排名已经新鲜出炉了。The world giving index is out.

不在社团目录索引里面。It's not in the index of clubs.

该书附有一个人名索引。The book has in it a name index.

我决心有效地索引数据。I resolve to index data usefully.

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使用含UV指数的日霜。The day cream containing UV index.

四月份该指数为110.9。The index fell to 77.6 from 110.9.

一个更好的血糖检测指标。A better index of overall glycemia.

上证综合指数周二以2031.68点收盘。The index ended Thursday at 2031.68.

每一个指数由多少成分股构成?How many constituents form the index?

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使用目录索引查书。Look for a book in the subject index.

把你的中指放在我的私处…Now put your index finger on my clit.

聚酯型聚氨酯硬泡的氧指数达27.5。The oxygen index of the foam is 27.5.