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压塑成型是什么?。What is compression molding?

放松压紧螺帽工具。Loosen the compression nut tool.

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其中一个就是HANA的压缩问题。One issue was compression in HANA.

深度挤压胃脏。Deep compression of stomach organs.

接下来,我研究的是压缩比。Next I looked at the compression ratios.

压缩膝盖的带子阻止我弯腿。Compression knee bands discourage bending.

纯钛振膜驱动器。Pure Titanium Diaphragm Compression Driver.

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压缩会升温,没错吧?Compression you're expected to heat up, right?

压缩要复杂一些。A compression is a little bit more complicated.

LZ算法在文本压缩领域应用广泛。LZ algorithm is widely used in text compression.

后者显示如何执行压缩和传输。The latter shows how compression and transmission.

椎体高度压缩率和恢复率。The vertebral compression rate and restoring rate.

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在长途的航行中,我会穿紧身的长筒袜。On very long flights, I wear compression stockings.

提出一种高光谱图像的近无损压缩方法。A near-lossless compression algorithm was presented.

她激活了软件的压缩功能。She enabled the compression feature of the software.

您可以通过压缩来提高其效率。You can improve the efficiency by using compression.

压迫腰4神经根相对少见。Compression of nerve roots cranial to L4 is uncommon.

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本文提出了一种新的图像压缩编码方案。A new scheme for image compression coding is proposed.

关于数据压缩的应用缺乏直观性的。The application to data compression is less intuitive.

但是,它们可以实现更好的压缩比。They. however, can achieve a better compression ratio.