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夜晚的琉森水塔。Night tower in Lucerne.

但是今年Lucerne的销量下降了14.5个百分点。But Lucerne sales are down 14.5percent this year.

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卢塞恩是瑞士的必去之地。In Switzerland the essential stop is the canton of Lucerne.

母女俩计划着到卢塞恩一游。The mother and daughter are now planning a trip to Lucerne.

解决了苜蓿草精加工的问题。The processing method solves the problem of finish processing of lucerne.

在伯尔尼只需几秒钟的事在弗里堡要几个小时,到了卢塞恩就得好几天。What took seconds in Berne might take hours in Fribourg, or days in Lucerne.

卢塞恩的著名景点包括特力斯扇,乘巴士或者缆车很容易就到了。The Lucerne brand includes Mount Titlis, easily reached by bus and cable car.

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在这一时期,苏黎世、伯尔尼和卢塞恩轮流主持会议。In this period zurich bern and lucerne took it in turns to summon the meeting.

路塞纳湖和苏黎世湖现在都还是游览瑞士阿尔卑斯山的必看景点。Both Lake Lucerne and Lake Zurich remain must-sees on any grand tour of the Swiss Alps.

除了小麦和大麦外,玉米和苜蓿是最适合他们那种气候的作物。Maize and lucerne apart from wheat and barley are the crops best suited to their climate.

这座六万人口的小镇位于瑞士的中心,卢塞恩湖的西北端。The city of 60,000 sits in the center of Switzerland at the northwest end of Lake Lucerne.

环绕自己与苜蓿和回到时尚施威泽霍夫酒店卢塞恩文化。Surround yourself with the culture of Lucerne and return to the stylish Hotel Schweizerhof Luzern.

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这个矿物持续穿过大厅的地板,就像实心石块一样摆放在卢塞恩的石英岩上。This minerality is continued through to the hall floor, in Lucerne quartzite laid as opus incertum.

本文论述了国外对根蘖型苜蓿的研究概况,总结了培育根蘖型苜蓿的方法。It has been reviewed the studies creeping rooted and summarized the methods of breeding creeping rooted lucerne abroad.

卢塞恩四周环绕着风景优美的群山,坐落在罗伊斯河的两岸,因其充满童话色彩的魅力而深受游人喜爱。Encircled by a photogenic range of mountains and bisected by the River Reuss, Lucerne is beloved for its storybook charm.

摊晒,翻晒作业可使收割后的牧草,秸秆等作物在打捆或青贮前进行干燥,将作物均匀摊铺在田间,有利于水分快速蒸发。To make the harvested lucerne dry before bundling and storage, put the crop pave evenly, it's helpful to Evaporation of water.

分析了发展苜蓿产业的农业资源和经济上的可行性,进而提出了发展的有效途径。Analyze feasibilities of Lucerne industry on agriculture resources and economy. So point to the efficient ways for development.

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绿叶蔬菜中含铁多的有苜蓿、菠菜、油菜、苋菜、荠菜、黄花菜、番茄等。Iron is contained to more lucerne spinach cole three-colored amaranth shepherd's purse day lily tomato waits in greenery vegetable.

区别苜蓿和草木樨种子,过去是从气味、形态上区别。The existing identification method of making distinction of seeds between lucerne and sweet clover is by testing their odours and forms.

我们尽可能保证食物的多样性,包括各种可食树叶,苜蓿干草,草本植物,及蔬果小块等。The diet is as varied as possible and includes a variety of edible plant species, lucerne hay, herbs and finely chopped fruit and vegetables.