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起初,我什么也听不懂,有点担心。At first, not knowing anything, I was apprehensive.

两个可疑的方面分辨受到猜忌。Two apprehensive aspects are doubtable appropriately.

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和是特别紧张和惶惑在种族面前。and was especially nervous and apprehensive before a race.

当你想起这个词的时候,是感到担心呢,还是兴奋?When you think of the word do you get apprehensive or excited?

尽管我买得起,我仍然对花这个钱感到有点担心。Even though I could afford it, I felt apprehensive spending the money.

房东不敢将房子租借给那对有大狗的年轻夫妻。The landlord was apprehensive about renting to the young couple with large dog.

人们就是在这样一个悖论与怪圈中惶惑、挣扎。People who are apprehensive struggling in such kind of paradox and strange circle.

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房东不敢将房子租给那对有大狗的年轻夫妻。The landlord was apprehensive about renting to the young couple with the large dog.

舰队的管弦乐团指挥站在一边,面色虽愠怒但很知趣。The ship's orchestra's conductor stood to one side, looking peeved but apprehensive.

由于圣诞节期间的做法,夫妇关系在世界各地的忧虑。As Christmastime approaches, couples in relationships around the world are apprehensive.

作为团队成员或经理,您是否对完成的任何工作感到担心?Do you feel, as a team member or as a manager, apprehensive about anything getting done?

这种让人难受的姿势也会让周围的人感到别扭。It’s an apprehensive stance that will make others around you feel uncomfortable as well.

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当我把住址告诉司机时,我对将要发生的事情,感到半是欣快,半是不安。As I give the driver my address, I'm half euphoric, half apprehensive about what comes next.

我们一开始对此深表不安,但是所有事情都很顺利而且她也没有受伤。We were apprehensive about this at first, but everything went fine and she came out unharmed.

一眼看去,大多数人都能辨别出我们是忧虑还是活泼友好,是放松还是咄咄逼人。In a glance, most people can discern if we're apprehensive or outgoing, relaxed or aggressive.

一眼看去,大多数人都能辨别出我们是忧虑还是活泼友好,是放松还是咄咄逼人。In a glance, most people can discern if we’re apprehensive or outgoing, relaxed or aggressive.

在上周议院发生的骚乱后,下院昨天怀著忧虑的心情召开了会议。The Commons met in apprehensive mood yesterday following the ructions in the Chamber last week.

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布朗斯威尔的一些市民对律师们检索他们的网上生活感到不安。Some citizens in Brownsville are apprehensive about lawyers rummaging through their online lives.

他们进入了深山老林,也不知什么时候能出来,真是令人担心。They have entered the depths of the mountains and forests. We are apprehensive that they not return.

接下来的日子我仔细研究了艾希曼的文件,并恍然明白了其中的难处。I studied the thick Eichmann file in the days that followed and found myself profoundly apprehensive.