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所以,我们总是死乞白赖地讨猪油。Therefore, we always pester for lard.

他告诉她不要为了琐事和他纠缠。He told her not to pester him with trifles.

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你不用死乞白赖地求他,没有他我们照样能成功。You don't need to pester him. We can succeed without him.

你不用死乞白赖地求他,没有他我们照样能成功。You do not need to pester him. We can succeed without him.

午饭的时候最糟,我的七个朋友一直不依不饶地追问我。Lunch was the worst. Seven of my friends could pester me at once.

人们不断打扰我,也互相打扰,打听我正在做什么。People pester me and they pester others with inquiries about what I am doing.

每天晚上妈妈做饭的时候,我和哥哥都会缠着她问While my mother prepared dinner each night, my brothers and I would pester her.

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里夫斯说,管育方式的一部分涉及不屈服于孩子的缠人劲。Reeves said part of the parenting style was about not giving in to pester power.

你是疯啊,我是傻。缠缠绵绵到没牙!You are mad, I am foolish. Pester lingering continous to arrive do not have a tooth!

其实他们最想做的就是让你去纠缠你的父母去买他们的产品。What they really want you to do is pester your parents until they buy something for you.

她明确地告诉易奕他们两个不合适,希望易奕不要再纠缠。She specifically told Yi Yi two of them is not appropriate, hope Yi Yi dont pester again.

美国想要欺凌、烦扰和挑衅中国,因为美国所能出口的就是战争和更多的战争。USA wants to bully pester & provoke China because the only export USA has is war and more war.

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他答应不强求希巴女王共寝,但女王须发誓不擅取他任何东西。He promised not to pester the queen to sleep with him if she swore to take none of his possessions.

给狗狗一个箱子或舒服的小窝,当狗狗休息的时候,确保家庭成员绝不去打扰它。Provide a crate or a cozy bed, and make it taboo for your family to pester the dog while he’s in it.

刚才的时间就完全浪费了,除非那个唯一的目的,是简单地纠缠用户索要一些输入。It was a complete waste of time, unless the goal in life was simply to pester the user for some input.

刚才的时间就完全浪费了,除非那个唯一的目的,是简单地纠缠用户索要一些输入。It was a complete waste of time, unless the goal in life was simply to pester the user for some input.

张扬深觉文安是唯一可以帮助他回家的人,从此纠缠着他不放。Zhang Yang begins to pester Wen An as he strongly believes that only Wen An can help him to return home.

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这个生物在学舌上有些诀窍,能不断重复别人对他说的话,以至于让许多人感到厌烦。The creature had a knack for mimicry, and would pester many by constantly repeating what was said to him.

他们知道,要经受住孩子的纠缠有可能使这一天都很烦人,但是同样能产生美好的未来。They know that standing up to pester power makes for an awful day, but it also makes for a better future, " he said.

你得缠着肥皂剧明星,打探他们的绯闻,有小孩儿刚被人杀了,你得去采访他们的父母亲。You'd have to pester soap stars about their love lives, and interview parents when their kids have Just been killed.