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口腔卫生对杰西卡也十分重要。???Oral hygiene is important to Jessica Alba.

杰西卡阿尔芭试镜中的罕见镜头。Rare footage from inside a Jessica Alba audition.

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当然,杰西卡·埃尔巴也可以像其他人一样成为母亲。And of course Jessica Alba can be a mom just like anybody.

我的意思是,很严肃的说--你见过杰西卡·埃尔巴穿“妈妈裤”吗?I mean, seriously--can you see Jessica Alba wearing mom jeans???

这位兄弟经常煽惑阿尔巴?隆加的青年人。This brother was always stirring up the young men of Alba Longa.

过了大约一年,奥尔巴终于进到一个正常班学习。It took about a year, but eventually Alba got into a regular class.

有时候当杰西卡寂寞了就和海水干。Sometimes when she gets lonely Jessica Alba likes to f*ck the ocean.

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杰西卡阿尔巴当下天赋出色的女演员之一。Jessica Alba is one of the most talented actresses of her generation.

但是如果母亲都像杰西卡·埃尔巴那样,我们就都麻烦了。But if motherhood starts looking like Jessica Alba we're ALL in trouble.

搭建在这个槽很感性,所谓线阿尔巴。The structures in this groove are very sensuous, the so called linea alba.

女星詹妮弗·安妮斯顿、杰西卡·奥尔芭和黛安·克鲁格也位列其中。Actresses Jennifer Aniston, Jessica Alba and Diane Kruger made the cutas well.

保罗沃克和杰西卡阿尔芭算的上是有史以来最烂的两个演员了。Paul Walker and Jessica Alba are two of the worst actors the world has ever seen.

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后来,我起床冲了个澡,和金太、爱尔芭一起坐在桌子边吃晚饭。Later I get up, take a shower, eat dinner sitting at the table with Kimy and Alba.

杰西卡·阿尔芭随性可爱的托里·伯奇厚呢短大衣凸显了她休闲的着装特点。Jessica Alba epitomizes casual cool in her laid-back but lovely Tory Burch peacoat.

桑叶中抗凝血活性成分的初步分离与纯化。Preliminary Extraction and Purification of Anticoagulant Component From Morus alba L.

桑白皮中含有多种化学成分,且其用途广泛。There are many chemical ingredients in Morus alba L. chitosan and they have a wide use.

灌木玫瑰大小各异,从匍匐在地面的“甜雾”,到巨大的阿尔巴玫瑰。These can be any size, from the ground-cover rose 'Sweet Haze', to gigantic Alba roses.

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本试验对红瑞木硬枝扦插技术与插穗生根成活的关系进行了研究。It is studied the relationship between the hardwood cutting techniques of Cornus alba L.

可见,芦苇和白杨是该地比较适合的土壤石油污染修复植物。Thus, Phragmitas communis and Populus alba were selected as the best remediation plants.

对大鼠大脑灰质的防治效果比对大鼠大脑白质的防治效果好。And better effects can be achieved in prevention and treatment of brain cinerea than alba.