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工人们立刻搭了个管子脚手架。The workmen rigged up some tubular scaffolding at once.

使用脚手架安全地砌墙的改建车库。Use scaffolding to safely drywall your remodeled garage.

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包括脚手架搭设工程及相关的防护工程。Scaffolding works and related protection works are included.

旧王朝可以遮掩脚手架和伤兵医疗站。The dynasty conceals the scaffolding and covers the ambulance.

脚手架的成型机肯特郡的服务都是首屈一指的。The services of the Scaffolding Erectors Kent are second to none.

可是一旦移走了脚手架,这些字母就全塌了台。But once the scaffolding was removed the letters collapsed alarmingly.

阿什福德的脚手架承包商可以提供理想的设备。The Scaffolding Contractors Totallinkscan provide the ideal equipment.

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他也投资各种各样的行业,像是饭店和施工架。He also invests in businesses as diverse as restaurants and scaffolding.

曲拱桥梁可以被修建在脚手架或者临时脚手架。Arch bridge can be constructed over a falsework , or temporary scaffolding.

第三章为支架式学习的课堂组织。Chapter Three is the classroom-based organizations of Scaffolding Learning.

来源于支持网站核心理念的框架。Systemic elegance arises from the scaffolding that supports a site’s core idea.

没有充分的理由,脚手架拆除过程中不可换人。Don't replace scaffolder during dismantle the scaffolding without justly reason.

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问阿什福德的脚手架承包商提供一个水密掩护你。Ask the Scaffolding Contractors Totallinksto provide you with a watertight cover.

目击者说,脚手架开始起火,然后火焰蔓延到整幢建筑。Witnesses said a scaffolding caught fire, and flames then spread to the building.

学生学习中有许多不同的方便的手段可以当作支架。Many different facilitative tools can be utilized in scaffolding student learning.

这个脚手架完全可以支撑所有的书架和狭小通道。This scaffolding completely supports all the bookshelves and the catwalks to them.

特别适合于搭设曲面脚手架和重载支撑架。Particularly suitable for erection of scaffolding and heavy support frame surfaces.

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脚手架和设备的架设方法须经监理同意。The method of securing the scaffolding and plant shall be to the Jianli's approval.

构建更有效的搭建系统只是个时间早晚的问题。It was just a matter of time before someone built a more effective scaffolding system.

我们的影响虽然是潜意识的,却是孩子将来会成为什么样子的基础。Our influence, however subliminal, forms the basic scaffolding of who they will become.