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树木环绕在房子的四周。Trees encircle the house.

她束了一条宽腰带。To encircle with a belt or band.

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它可以从他环抱你的手臂的宽度看出。It is seen in the width of his arms that encircle you.

庭罗合抱树,门泊钓鱼船。Latina encircle the tree, the door parked fishing boat.

能量将环绕地球并影响到其上的你们每一个人。The energy will encircle the globe and effect each of you.

一个特别的蛾眉形状的墩座将围绕在它的底部。A distinctive crescent-shaped podium will encircle its base.

从另一个层面看,这三个主要港口正好对印度形成一个包围圈。But at another level, the three main ports happen to encircle India.

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传说中炼金术的蝾螈围绕着蓝色水晶的精神之池。Fabled alchemical salamanders encircle the blue crystal spirit pool.

市环是州际高速公路计划包围城市。The Urban Loop is an interstate highway planned to encircle the city.

由于我们身处星盘之中,光带看起来环绕着地球。Since we are inside this disk, the band appears to encircle the Earth.

他们的树枝轻柔地环绕着它,就像要帮它遮雨蔽日。Their branches encircle it gently, as if protecting it from rain and sun.

小山整把济南围了个圈儿,只有北边缺着点口儿。The hills encircle Jinan and just leave an openning in the north of Jinan.

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对于这些数据和当下笼罩全球的不祥趋势,我们都了然于心。We know the statistics and the ominous trends that now encircle the globe.

这样的局势反过来又会加重中国人对“美国对中国包围说”的恐惧。That in turn will fuel Chinese fears that America is trying to encircle it.

控制电晶体开与关的闸极则围绕著矽质指状物。The gate to turn the transistor off and on could encircle the silicon finger.

不要在拔刀的时候用手指整个的握住刀鞘。Do not encircle the scabbard with your fingers while drawing out your khukuri.

大师们,大家好,同样的我们以一股无条件的爱之。Greetings Masters, and so we encircle you in an OMM-Wave of Unconditional Love.

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我们应该四面包围敌人不使一人漏网。We should encircle the enemy forces completely and let none escape from the net.

而且奥林匹克赛场也不像其他的体育场馆一样被广告包围。And Olympic venues are free of the advertisements that encircle other sporting arenas.

将交替环绕与飞舞之姿,串连成聚与散之交错设计。To alternate encircle and dancing, connect to gather and come loose by interlace design.