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其它的地方,各家各户都在忙着把屋里的水排干。Elsewhere, homes are being drained of all the floodwater.

他看见水牛潜到水下逐食水草。He saw buffaloes dive beneath the floodwater to nibble grass.

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别试图趟过外面的水,急速的水流会把你冲倒。Don’t try to wade through floodwater outside—it can knock you over.

在此基础上,对宋代梓州与中江洪水的概况和规律作出归纳与概括。Last of all, give a brief account of these floodwater survey and regularity.

利用洪水和废水进行人工回灌已进行了试验。Artificial recharge using floodwater and wastewater has been tried and performed.

首先,清除掉所有标签,那些纸质会包含有洪水中的污泥和细菌。First, remove any labels. The paper may contain dirt and germs from the floodwater.

一辆混凝土车淹没在洪水中。A concrete truck is seen submerged in floodwater Monday, May 9, 2011, in Memphis, Tenn.

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同样地,不要吃那些院子里的新鲜产品如果那里曾经遇到洪水。Also, do not eat fresh produce from the garden if it has come in contact with floodwater.

布什从空中视察了洪水泛滥的情况,他还视察了爱奥华大学城。Mr. Bush had an aerial tour of the floodwater and also visited the college town of Iowa City.

一辆车在垃圾场被洪水半淹没了。A car is partially submerged in floodwater at a junk yard Monday, May 9, 2011, in Memphis, Tenn.

那些可能接触到洪水的瓶装果汁、牛奶或者婴儿食品也该扔掉。Also throw away boxes of juice, milk or baby formula if they have come into contact with floodwater.

车库外两辆货车别洪水包围着。Two pickup trucks are seen surrounded by floodwater outside a garage Sunday, May 8, 2011, in Memphis, Tenn.

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洪水包含了人类的和动物的垃圾和其他像农业和工业的化学污染。Floodwater may contain human and animal wastes, and other pollutants like agricultural and industrial chemicals.

我们研究了洪水灾害对大湖猪繁殖性能的影响。In this experiment, we studied the effects of the floodwater on the re-productive performance of Taihu sow in 1991.

涉过洪水的幸存者返回他们在Sujawat,信德省南部巴基斯坦,2010年9月4日回家。Survivors wade through floodwater to return their home in Sujawat, Sindh province, Southern Pakistan, Sept 4, 2010.

其特性在贺兰山暴雨洪水中是历次上少见的。Characteristic of 060714 rainfall and floodwater is unfrequent in many rainfall and floodwater of the Helan Mountain.

韩恩洞的中部洞高缩小,探洞人正在经无数年洪水冲刷磨圆的洞顶下通过。Headroom shrinks in the middle of Hang En as cavers pass beneath a ceiling scalloped by eons of floodwater rushing past.

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为充分发挥水库的兴利作用,使洪水资源利用最大化,单一的汛限水位已不合时宜。Reservoir'scheduling discipline based on single flood control level is not fit for exerting more benefits of floodwater.

坐在飞机部分淹没在洪水在内尔雅堡帕克星期二,2010年5月4日,在田纳西州纳什维尔。Airplanes sit partially submerged in floodwater at the Cornelia Fort Airpark Tuesday, May 4, 2010, in Nashville, Tennessee.

白城市2005年洪水资源利用预案的实施达到了预期的效果,实践表明对洪水资源利用预案的研究具有积极的意义。The implementation of the preplan of floodwater resources utilization for Baicheng in 2005 had achieved the result that was expected.