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袮道成肉身用希望填充我们。Your Incarnation fills me with hope.

我是一个非物质的无形化身。I am an immaterial impalpable incarnation.

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额滴神啊,我养的女儿是佛祖转世吗?My gosh, is my daughter the incarnation of the Budda?

何方可化身千亿,一树梅花一放翁。Where can the incarnation of billions, a plum tree a fangweng.

赵传奇就化身原田太郎进入了陆军医院。Zhao Chuanji incarnation harada aso entered the army hospital.

在这部典型的童话故事中,小矮人住在树里面。In this incarnation of the fairy tale, the dwarves live inside a tree.

那是确切产撕媚工做,便正在您投进人间化身天球的时间。This is exactly what happens when you plunge into incarnation on earth.

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但如果生为同性恋——则被认为是最低级的转为人世。But to be born gay—that is viewed as the lowest form of human incarnation.

但是,巴克提的经文承认,不同生命所展现出的力量是不同的。The Incarnation of God is accepted by those who follow the path of bhakti.

流动环境资源中心铃木夹克是在芝加哥商业交易所的最新线图形的化身。The Merc Suzuki jacket is the latest graphic incarnation in the Merc line.

文章的观点也许只是看起来与二十世纪的婚姻观略有不同罢了。It may well just look slightly different from its 20th century incarnation.

小倩化身簿仙子相见,一手将情诗撕毁拒绝他的情意。Small qian incarnation book fairy meet, hand to tear to refuse his love poem.

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佛经中,它被视为神鸟,佛曾化身为鹦鹉。Besides, they are regarded as divine birds and as the ever incarnation of Buddha.

村民普遍认为,青蛙是西瓦神的化身。It is widely believed among villagers that the frog is are incarnation of Lord Siva.

就在这时,女郎化身成一阵旋风,把唐僧卷进了洞里。Just then the blonde incarnation into a whirlwind, the Tang Monk rolled into the hole.

对于广袤的黄土高原,水就是灵秀的化身。Water seems the incarnation of the delicately beautiful to the expansive Loess Plateau.

但是这个更加正式的facebook的化身能够扩展成年人的交际圈吗?But does this more reverent incarnation of Facebook actually enrich adult relationships?

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路德相信圣餐礼是给罪人的,他们是最需要基督道成肉身的人。Luther believed Communion was for sinners, those who needed Christ's incarnation the most.

他搬走以后,我迎来的下一任室友简直就是魔鬼的化身。After he moved out I got a roommate who I thought was the incarnation of the devil himself.

于是,我马上得出了那两只鸟儿就是吉塔和她情人的上辈子的结论,愈发妒火中烧。So I at once concluded that those birds were Geeta and her lover in a previous incarnation.