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你说我喜欢这个莫明其妙。You said me like this inexplicably.

老穆被吩咐莫名其妙地抱着罐子站在傍边。Muras were inexplicably told to hold the jar standing sideways.

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我要出发的前一周,我们的对话变得费解的简洁。A week before I was supposed to leave, our conversations become inexplicably terse.

直到这时,我才稍微有点害怕,但还是继续向发出声音的地方走过去。By now I was feeling slightly afraid but inexplicably kept moving towards the sounds.

嘿嘿!我怀孕五个月了,也是莫名其妙的郁闷,跟老公吵架生气。I am five months pregnant, and is inexplicably depressed, angry quarrel with her husband.

然而,尽管有这些弱点,难以理解地是他为自身做得相当好。Yet, despite all these vulnerabilities, the Miro has inexplicably done quite well for itself.

这些都是美好的时刻,但是它们还说不上是无法言喻的开心。These are all joyful moments, but they do not measure up to inexplicably pleasing little things.

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年轻的塔斯肯人把它作为标靶来练习射击,但却莫名其妙地发现步枪卡壳或爆膛了。Tusken youths using it for target practice inexplicably find their rifles jamming or backfiring.

思念啃着痛含着一种莫名的无辜在我身边徘徊着。Missing gnaws the pain to hold one kind inexplicably to pace back and forth innocently in my side.

偶然不知如何回事心境就不好不想与人言语就想一个人私家寂静地呆着。Sometimes, inexplicably was in a bad mood, don't want to talk to anyone, just a person quiet in a daze.

机器人分遣队莫名其妙地部署失败,穿梭机的导航系统遭神秘破坏。Droid detachments inexplicably failed to deploy, shuttle guidance systems had been mysteriously severed.

要不然,他们现在只能是勉强维持胜利,或者像周二晚上输给5胜16负的国王那样遭遇莫名其妙失利。They eke out victories now, or inexplicably stumble like they did Tuesday night against 5-16 Sacramento.

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这些新的威胁者不知出于何种原因,在原力中没有丝毫踪迹,而且似乎一切谈判的努力都是徒劳。This new menace was inexplicably removed from the Force, and seemingly beyond all efforts of negotiation.

每一个人都变得难以辨认,只是一系列费解的不愉快的事情不断地发生在她们身上。There was no one left to identify with, just a series of inexplicably unpleasant events befalling them all.

令人费解的是,二氧化碳理应像在其他行星那样成为大气的主要成分,却仅仅是一种示踪气体。Carbon dioxide is inexplicably a mere trace gas when it should be the bulk of the air, as it is on other planets.

像球场的某些部分非常华丽,而其他部分就很模糊,球服也是。Some parts of the court look sharp while others are inexplicably blurred and the same goes for close-ups on players.

虽然人们会预期Haemon去伊斯美妮,他莫名其妙地提议安提戈涅的那天晚上,一个球。Though one would have expected Haemon to go for Ismene, he inexplicably proposed to Antigone on the night of a ball.

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它将倒转国际间日渐形成的对于鲸鱼保护的共识并难以理解地使商业捕鲸合法化。It would reverse the emerging global consensus for whale conservation and inexplicably legitimize commercial whaling.

Jane的两名同伴被送往附近一家医院,而她不知何故却被送到一家设备简陋的偏远诊所。While Jane's companions were taken to a nearby hospital, she was inexplicably driven to a poorly equipped bush clinic.

一只小玉镯和一张穿着破旧红色毛衣的圆脸女孩的照片就是我全部的记忆。A tiny jade bracelet and a photograph of an inexplicably circular face on top of a torn red sweater make up my memory album.