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还有谣传说他们同情废奴主义者,但这并没有提高麦金托什家的声誉。Rumors of Abolitionist sympathies did not enhance the popularity of the Macintoshes.

在1859年,废除主义者约翰布朗带领约20人袭击了哈柏渡轮。In1859, abolitionist John Brown led a group of about20 men in a raid on Harper's Ferry.

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满头卷曲白发、不时气喘咳嗽的退休金领取人阿普塔姆·安马尔是一名主张废除死刑的支持者。ARPUTHAM AMMAL, a pensioner with curly silver hair and a wheezing cough, is an abolitionist.

罗切斯特Obadiah是受雇担任校长,同时也是一个众所周知的废除死刑的国家。In Rochester, Obadiah was employed as a schoolmaster and was also a well known abolitionist.

约翰·布朗是一个激进的废奴主义者,他信仰用暴力砸碎奴隶制的镣铐。John Brown was a radical abolitionist who believed in the violent overthrow of the slavery system.

19世纪30年代出现了主张蓄奴是罪恶的激进废奴运动。A militant abolitionist movement, predicated on the sinfulness of slaveholding, emerged in the 1830s.

他对他的哥哥吐露道,"我现在是真正的废奴主义者,天下兴亡,匹夫有责To his brother Parmelee confided, "I am more of an abolitionist than ever now, right up to the handle.

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达尔文的家人是热烈的废奴主义者,他频繁地与献身于这项事业的人交往。Darwin's family was passionately abolitionist and he continually mixed with people devoted to the cause.

它们组织废奴主义领袖发表演说,帮助隐藏投奔自由的黑奴。They organized speeches by abolitionist leaders. And they helped hide slaves who were fleeing to freedom.

斯托夫人是加里森之后的一位废奴主义者,她也受到了相同待遇。Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist after Garrison's time, but she was received in much of the same way.

他们之中虽然没有一个是彻底的废奴主义者,但是他们也非常关心这场斗争的结果。Though none was an out-and-out abolitionist , they were still closely concerned with the outcome of the struggle.

这支政治力量就是风起云涌的废奴运动,废奴运动者并不喜欢克莱,因为他本身就拥有奴隶。That was the abolitionist movement, which opposed slavery. Abolitionists did not like Clay, because he owned slaves.

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脱离奴隶身份后,特鲁斯成为福音派教徒,并参与到的改革和废奴事业。After escaping slavery, Truth embraced evangelical religion and became involved in moral reform and abolitionist work.

人们对此法案的强烈不满,为废奴运动火上浇油,也使得越来越多的人参与“地下铁路”逃亡。Backlash against the law helped fuel the abolitionist movement and increased participation on the Underground Railroad.

1864年,时年21岁的废死刑支持者安娜·迪更生成为首位受邀在华盛顿特区的国会大楼演讲的女性。In 1864, abolitionist Anna Dickinson became the first woman invited to speak to both congressional houses in Washington D.C.

克莱是一位国家领导人,他知道,他如此坚决地反对正在日益兴起的废奴运动将给他带来很坏的影响。Still, Clay was a national leader. He knew it would be bad to stand too strongly opposed to the growing abolitionist movement.

就在这个条款的截止期限到达前两年,废奴主义者的参议员草拟了议案,要求禁止这种做法,这个议案于1808年1月1日生效。Two years in advance of the deadline, abolitionist senators drafted an act to ban the practice, to become effective Jan. 1, 1808.

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这就是当废奴运动到来时让人感觉到的美国政治经济总画面。Such was the general political and economic picture in the United States when the Abolitionist Movement began to make itself felt.

这项规定使得大多数北方人很气愤,正因为如此,这些人开始支持废奴运动。The gag rule made great numbers of people in the North very angry. Because of it, these people began to support the abolitionist movement.

克莱为宪法有关请愿的权利作了辩护,这满足了北方人的要求,但他也通过法律手段阻止了废奴主义者向国会提交废奴请愿书,这也满足了南方人的要求。That pleased the North. But he also had used a legal move to block the Abolitionist Movement from bringing anti-slavery petitions before Congress.