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幻相的逻辑。Logic of Illusion.

这是他们的逻辑。That's their logic.

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很好的逻辑嘛。Great logic from a spud.

没人怀疑亚德尼的逻辑。No one doubts his logic.

虚拟逻辑控制器。Vitual Logic Controller.

这根本不符合逻辑!There is no logic in this!

问人︰这是什麽垃圾逻辑?What crappy logic is this?

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这是什么逻辑?What sort of logic is that?

他以极严密的逻辑争辨。He argued with deadly logic.

我明白你的意思,投英国独立党一票!I see your logic. Vote UKIP!

售主晶体管逻辑?。VTL? Vendor Transistor Logic?

她被他的逻辑性驳得失去攻守能力。She was disarmed by his logic.

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所以你必须搞清其中的逻辑关系So you have to know the logic.

封装确认逻辑。Encapsulating validation logic.

网络逻辑是违反直觉的。Network logic is counterintuitive.

早已跟学问与逻辑私定终身。Wedded to lore and logic long ago.

和用于显示该文本的逻辑。" and the logic for displaying it.

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我们正在混合模型和视图逻辑。We are mixing model and view logic.

你无法逻辑的分析出摆脱它的方法。You can’t logic your way out of it.

但是,这种逻辑极其昂贵。But such logic is cruelly expensive.