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组织搜索队。Organize a search team.

按日期整理文件。Organize files by dates.

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你会清扫和整理?Do you clean and organize?

我们把节拍分成不同的类别We organize it into groups.

您是如何组织项目团队的?How do you organize your team?

怎么召开预算编制会议?How to organize Budget meeting?

用分隔器整理好东西。Use dividers to organize stuff.

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他们将组建一个桥牌俱乐部。They will organize a Bridge Club.

更轻松地组织文档。Easier to organize documentations.

你的计划和组织准备得怎么样了?How well do you plan and organize?

应为提高生产力而进行自我管理。Organize yourself for productivity.

我们组织在我们的城市和城镇里。We organize in our cities and towns.

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喜欢组织那些办公室野餐?Love to organize those office picnics?

我把这些例子按线性方式组织。I organize examples in a linear fashion.

而是发展到我们如何帮助他们进行组织?It goes to how do we help them organize?

安排差旅与会议。Organize travel, and meeting arraignments.

根据不同类别把单词填入纵列中。Organize the words into columns by category.

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打理你的生活空间和工作空间。Organize your living space and working space.

我们将在下个月举办团队建设。We will organize the TEAMBUILDING next month.

组织英语兴趣小组是个好主意。It's a good idea to organize an English Group.