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花草茶。Herbal tea.

你有草药茶吗?Do you have herbal tea?

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你们有卖花草茶吗。Do you sell herbal tea?

我常使用草药疗法。I often use herbal remedies.

这是你所需要的中草药。This is your herbal medicine.

你有否饮用凉茶的习惯?Do you often drink herbal tea?

草本伟哥,yohimbix8,yohimbeHerbal viagra, yohimbix8, and yohimbe

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跟茶叶一起泡澡,加倍回甘!Soak in a literal bath of herbal tea.

这种洗发露含有草本精华。This shampoo contains herbal essence.

祛斑的话我还是置信植物药妆的。Confidence if I freckle herbal makeup.

花草茶可以混着喝吗?Herbal tea can be mixed with drinking?

植物专论将被建立。The herbal monographs shall be published.

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在有些人看来,用草药治病纯属江湖医术。To some people, herbal medicine is quackery.

一个风行的草药与雌激素样的勾当。A popular herbal with estrogen-like activity.

团体觉得相宜本草不错。你可以试一下。Herbal body feel good affordable. You can try.

我当时怀宝宝的时候我是喝凉茶。I was pregnant when I was drinking herbal tea.

同时,我再给你开点中药。Meanwhile, I'll give you some herbal medicine.

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草药产品标准化的现代化工具Modern tools for standardising herbal products

森林水果本草茶适宜于一天中任何时段饮用。This herbal tea is perfect at any time of day.

咳嗽得很厉害,这…我给你弄些草药茶吧。Bad cough, this. I'll make you some herbal tea.