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远程办公是个好主意吗?Is Telecommuting a Good Idea?

听起来像梦一样的电信办公已经实现了。Telecommuting sounds like a dream come true.

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总之,电信办公仍是一个工作,所以理应如此对待它。In short, telecommuting is still a job, so treat it as such.

远程办公正在成为减少办公开销的一个流行选择。Telecommuting is becoming a popular response to office expenses.

但是,这并不表示远程办公是危险的并需要加以避免。This doesn't mean that telecommuting is dangerous and to be avoided.

经理们发现远距离工作为他们的技术注入…Managers have discovered that telecommuting revitalizes their skills.

远程办公链中的另一个薄弱环节在于用户的笔记本电脑。Another weak link in the telecommuting chain can be the users' laptops.

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在家办公比拖曳着可怜的骨头去办公室上班绿多少?How much greener is telecommuting than dragging my sorry bones to work?

他们可以让雇员远程办公,而省去办公空间的费用。They can save the cost of office space by enabling telecommuting employees.

研究人员称,远程办公等弹性工作模式有益于身体健康。A flexible work life such as telecommuting is good for your health, researchers said.

更多的人开始远程办公,更多的人开始成为自由职业者或者顾问。More people are telecommuting. More people are working as freelancers or consultants.

每周有一两天的时间是在家里通讯或办公的人比以往任何时候都要多。More people than ever are telecommuting or working from home for a day or two a week.

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这就是我毕业后找到的一个电信办公工作而在我身上所发现的事实。That’s what I found happening to me when I landed a telecommuting position out of college.

一些公司致力于通过鼓励远程办公减少交通和办公空间的能源消耗。Some are working to reduce traffic and office space energy usage by encouraging telecommuting.

要想有效而迅速地找到一份在线远程工作要选对关键词。To search for a telecommuting job online efficiently and effectively choose the right keywords.

富有远见的观察者看到了电子工作者的未来,互动图书馆和多媒体教室。Visionaries see a future of telecommuting workers, interactive libraries and multimedia classrooms.

远程办公的人很多,在他们工作的世界里,灵活这一点非常重要。Telecommuting is huge, and the whole idea of flexibility with their business world is very, very important.

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与以前每天往办公室上班不同,光栅尺当初越来越多的人每周一天或多少天在家办公。More and more people are now telecommuting one or more days a week as opposed to going to the office everyday.

然而,由于员工在企业环境之外的位置办公,远程办公凸显出某些安全性问题。However, telecommuting enhances certain security issues by placing workers outside of the enterprise environment.

几周内,远程办公组的业绩开始与固定办公的同事之间拉开距离。Within a few weeks, the performance of the telecommuting group started to pull away from their cubicle-bound counterparts.