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这里指的是,真皮。In this case, dermis.

在这些部位,表皮胚芽向下生出息入真皮。Epidermal buds grow down into the dermis at these sites.

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胶原蛋白是其中一个主要组成部分的皮肤真皮层。Collagen is one of the major components of the skin dermis.

在这个谎言的真皮组成的结缔组织。Under this lies the dermis consisting of connective tissue.

真皮做的好,不容易燃烧的炉火前腐烂。Dermis to do good, not easy to burn with the fire front rotten.

促进头发生长的微细胞存在于真皮层。The tiny cells from which hairs grow are located in the dermis.

对关中奶山羊皮肤消毒处理后,器械法分离表皮和真皮。After washing the goat skin piece, dissect epidermis from dermis.

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瘤组织常向皮下脂肪呈树枝状浸润性生长。The tumors usually grow dendrically towards the lipids of dermis.

裂隙是穿过表皮或深达真皮的线状损害。A fissure is a linear cleft through the epidermis, or into the dermis.

单纯疱疹病毒很熟练地穿透皮肤并进入神经链路。HSV is adept at penetrating the dermis and reaching the nerve pathways.

你的皮肤由两层构成,被称为表皮和真皮。Your skin consists of two layers known as the epidermis and the dermis.

真皮内CD34染色阳性显示扩张充血的血管。Dilatating and congesting vessels CD34 positive was localized in dermis.

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隔膜的胶原和真皮的胶原相延续。The collagen in the septa is continuous with the collagen in the dermis.

损害开始从真皮这使他们很难处理。The damage begins from the dermis which make them very hard to deal with.

你的皮肤是由被称为表皮和真皮的两层组成。Your skin is composed of two layers known as the epidermis and the dermis.

阿新蓝染色在真皮胶原纤维束间有大量黏蛋白沉积。Alcian blue stain showed abundant mucin deposition in collagen bundles of dermis.

真皮中的弹性纤维一旦老化,表皮就会塌陷,形成皱纹。In once the dermis elastic fiber gets older, the epidermis can cave in, goffering.

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它来源于真皮的间叶细胞,位于毛囊的基部。It is derived from the dermis mesenchyme , located at the base of the hair follicle.

表、真皮分界明显,真皮胶原纤维束细而疏。It had epidermis and dermis separately, which collagen bundle were thin by histology.

结论保留变性真皮与整张自体皮移植修复能够成活。Conclusion Grafting free skin to repair deep bum wound reserved denatured dermis survive.