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他俩婚姻破裂,已无法和好如初。The breakdown of their marriage was irretrievable.

蒋在满洲的败局明明是无法挽回的。For Chiang's position in Manchuria was irretrievable.

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在彻底擦除前确认和选择信息。Verify and select information before irretrievable wiping.

因此让我们准备接受这势不可挡的趋势。Therefore let's get prepared to embrace this irretrievable trend.

迟迟不接受救恩会导致不可挽回的悲剧。To delay not accept salvation will lead to irretrievable tragedy.

如果这样做将会破坏文件系统,导致数据无法恢复。Doing so can damage the file system, rendering your data irretrievable.

我们一定要克服粗枝大叶,因为粗枝大叶常常引起无可挽回的错误。You are supposed to get rid of careless, for it often leads to irretrievable errors.

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你们一定要克服粗枝大叶的毛病,因为它常常会引起无可挽回的错误。You are supposed to get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to irretrievable errors.

青红爱情与青春的毁灭折射出一代人无法回旋的悲剧。The destruction of Greenred's love and youth mirrors the irretrievable tragedy of one generation.

按照熵理论和十九世纪的时间观,我们眼前只有耗散,只有无可挽回的时间消逝。With entropy and the nineteenth-century view of time, we face only the irretrievable and only dissipation.

我们不再纠结于回不到的过去,而是在葡萄酒与美食的绝妙搭配中找寻属于自己的精致。Stop wrestling with the irretrievable past, and start your quality life with carefully paired food and wine.

不晓得明天是你的悲伤,无视明天是你的无知,但保持明天是你不可挽回的损失。Don't know today is your sorrow, ignore today is your ignorance, but give up today is your irretrievable loss.

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在那十年间,通用汽车为它的养老金基金投入了数以百亿计美元,这是一笔无可挽回的机会成本损失。In that decade, General Motors poured tens of billions of dollars into its pension fund — an irretrievable loss of opportunity.

今年春节回来发生了很多事,也许有些事错过了一辈子都无法挽回。Came back to take place a lot of matters Chinese New Year in this year, perhaps some matters missed all irretrievable during a lifetime.

一个小误会,如此多的人遭受的痛苦,悔恨伤心,无可挽回,无法弥补的过错,怎样去完善?A small misunderstanding, so many people suffering from the pain of remorse sad, irretrievable , irreparable fault, how to get to the perfect?

手术若贸然进行,不但浪费社会资源,亦造成病人不可挽回的伤害。If the procedure is taken without careful consideration, not only is it a waste of social resources, it can do irretrievable harm to the patients.

第二个因素是,法院提出,随着工程的进展,能造成多大程度的不可恢复性行为,选择性措施有哪些。Second, the court asked to what extent irretrievable commitments were being made, and other options were being precluded, as the program progressed.

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这一过程并不意味着经过分离和分析过程是可逆的,通常,所有的分离出的分析物是不能再复原回原来的混合物的。This does not imply that the separated chemical components are recovered after the separation and analyzed. Usually, the analytes are irretrievable.

航空事故不仅造成了不可挽回的人员伤亡和巨大的经济损失,而且在社会上形成了不良影响。The aviation accident has not merely caused irretrievable casualties and enormous economic losses, and has formed the harmful effects in the society.

我们乐意为机师提供更佳薪酬,但加薪幅度过高,将会对香港和航空公司的竞争力构成无法弥补的伤害,对此我们不能妥协。We're willing to be generous but we can't agree to pay rises that will cause irretrievable damage to the competitiveness of the airline and Hong Kong.