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弯弯的背,像稻穗。She stoops like a rice stalk.

从淡绿茎秆里猛地冲出。Flung out of a pale green stalk.

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请不要试图悄悄接近某人。Please, try not to stalk people.

危险和快乐同生一枝。Danger and delight grow on one stalk.

在那些植物.它的茎是长的。Look at the plant. Its stalk is long.

浸软冬菇,去蒂,切粒。Soak mushrooms, remove stalk and dice.

不平的感觉将不再跟随着你。And injustice will no longer stalk you.

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叶柄的作用是支持叶片。The leaf stalk supports the leaf blade.

猫咪新咬了一排牙印在玉米粒上!What can the cats do with the corn stalk?

叶柄及茎秆黄绿色或褐色。Olive or petiole and cauline stalk are Brown.

在玉米杆开始拔节时,给玉米打药。Corn is treated when the stalk starts to elongate.

如果你认为面试很成功,也不要对面试官追得太紧。If all has gone well, don't stalk the interviewer.

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如何防治撑绿竹茎腐病?", " How to control supports green bamboo stalk rot?

花序梗,植物中花的组成部分的一个名称,即花序的柄。The stalk of a solitary flower or of aninflorescence.

你看他这三天来不老是往梗子上爬么?Has he not been creeping up that stalk these three days?

竹简就是一条竹片,上面的字是沿着竹竿垂直往下读的。A slip is a tablet read vertically down the bamboo stalk.

子叶和未来称为下胚轴的主轴延长。Cytyledons and future stalk called the hypocotyl elongate.

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成熟的茎叶中,丰含营养成分,为优质粗饲料。Stalk and leaves are rich in nutrients and good for feeds.

裸子植物的生殖细胞可形成体细胞和柄细胞。In gymnosperms it gives rise to the body cell and stalk cell.

他想象着他播下种子的地方会长出一株茁壮高大的玉米。He imagined a tall stalk of corn where he had planted the seed.