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基于图像处理的铟钢尺自动检测系统。Automatic Measurement System of Invar Rods Based on Image Processing.

相对应,从而在非晶态金属-金属型因瓦合金中证实了因瓦效应与铁磁性的不稳定有关。This result provided the experimental evidence that the invar effect of the metal- metal amor.

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为了减小热变形对径向间隙的影响,建议零件材料运用超因瓦合金材料。The material of super Invar is advised to use to minish the disadvantage of thermal deformation.

大地水准测量必须使用刻度标于不胀钢片上的水准标尺。Geodetic leveling should be done with staves in which the divisions are marked on a strip of invar.

本发明是利用电镀法制备薄覆铜因瓦片材。Said invention uses the electroplating method to prepare the thin copper-clad invar sheet material.

给出了以因瓦合金为材料的同轴电容分压器的原理和设计方法。It gives the principle and method of design that coaxial capacitive voltage divider by the invar alloy.

糖精的镀液中,以316L不锈钢作为旋转阴极,电沉积制备了因瓦合金箔。Invar alloys were prepared by electrodeposition with 316L stainless steel as rotating cathode in a bath containing 0.

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“因瓦效应”和“时效硬化”现象的发现奠定了低膨胀高温合金发展的基础。The basis of development for these kind of alloys was established by discovery of " Invar effect" and " age-hardening ".

由不胀钢制成非常低膨胀系数的样品载台保证温度变化对样品的位置没有影响。A very low linear expansion coefficient sample carrier made from invar ensures that temperature change has no effect on the sample position.

非晶态因瓦合金经过热处理后极易形成纳米晶合金,而没有因瓦效应的非晶合金则不易形成纳米晶合金。The amorphous Invar alloys are favorable for the formation of nanocrystalline alloy, but it is difficult for the amorphous alloy without Invar characteristic.

实验结果表明,该瞄准检测方法的准确度高、重复性好,可用于条码型铟瓦水准尺的分划精度检测。Experimental results show that this collimation measurement method has high accuracy and good repetition, and can be used in the stripe precise inspection of code-bar invar grade rod.

对采用因瓦荫罩的大屏幕、高清晰度彩管,需要较小弯曲位移量的横拼双金属弹簧片进行温度补偿。An Invar shadow-mask kinescope with a large screen and high definition requires temperature compensation by means of a laterally-welded bimetal spring lamination with a smaller bending displacement.