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猎人取出羚羊的内脏。The hunter disembowelled the antelope.

彩色的邮票上窜出一只跳跃的羚羊。An antelope leapt across a colourful stamp.

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志愿者拦车帮助藏羚羊过马路。Volunteers help Tibetan antelope hit the road.

它有可能来自于一头绵羊,山羊,或藏羚羊。It may come from a sheep, goat, or Tibetan antelope.

不仅仅是羚羊娜莎丽不喜欢纳尔逊的“蹦啊跳啊”游戏。Not only the antelope didn't like Nelson's Umpa Jumpa game.

冬天的话百雀羚产品也不错。If a hundred birds in winter is also good antelope products.

一言为定。我最想看的是长颈鹿、羚羊和水族馆。Deal! I would love to see the giraffes, antelope and aquarium.

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斑马羚羊在吃草,狗熊大象瞎胡闹。Zebra antelope eat the grass, bear the elephant blind mischief.

家,草原上的家,那里有鹿和羚羊在玩耍。Home , home on the range , where the deer and the antelope play.

由于无限制的捕猎,这两种羚羊都只剩下了数百只幸存者。Only a few hundred of each antelope are left, due to non-stop hunting.

迎迎是一只藏羚羊,象征着中国的幅员辽阔。Yingying is an antelope symbolizing the vastness of China's landscape.

“迎迎”是一只藏羚羊,传递的祝福是健康。Yingying is the tibean antelope and represents the blessing of health.

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位于小镇一边的山坡上,三五成群的羚羊到处可见。On one side of town, antelope abounded by fours and fives in the hills.

迎迎是一只藏羚羊,传递的祝福是健康。Yingying is the Tibetan Antelope and represents the blessing of health.

格林尼尔记录了人们为了兽皮而偷捕美洲野牛、鹿、麋鹿和羚羊。Grinnell documented the poaching of buffalo, deer, elk and antelope for hides.

它们在黑暗中奔跑着,一会儿就能逮到一只倒霉的羚羊。Racing through the darkness , the lionesses soon overtake an unlucky antelope.

从那时起,从老鼠到羚羊,越来越多的动物被创造出来。Since then, the elephant has been joined by many others from bats to antelope.

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我把它扔出去有约二十码远,看上去难以对正在跑动的羚羊构成什么威胁。I throw it. It goes about twenty yards — hardly a threat to a running antelope.

喜欢一种洒脱的生活,就像奔跑的羚羊,无拘无束。The antelope liked a kind of big-hearted life, been like to rush, unrestrained.

噢,给我一个家,那里有水牛漫步,那里有鹿和羚羊在玩耍。Oh, give me a home where the buffalo roam, where the deer and the antelope play.