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薰衣草的甜蜜,永不会凋去!Lavenders sweet , tho it wither !

我是这支队的第一名队员。I was the first member of tho team.

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谦逊虽是美德,羞怯却是缺点。Tho modesty is a virtue, bashfulness is a vice.

黎德寿注意到了这一点,但未露出感兴趣的任何迹象。Le duc tho noted it without any show of interest.

抱歉,我不知道哪里可以把这个,所以我胸。Sorry I did not know where to place this, so I tho.

你可能不相信,我又回到越南。现身处美拖市。You may not believe it, I'm back in Vietnam again! Now in My Tho.

谁没去过?真的很酷。买一些礼物给别人。Well who doesn ' t? Their cool tho . Buy a few presents for people.

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为避免麻烦,请从我们公布的链接下载越狱程序。When you jailbreak make sure it's from our links tho to avoid hassles.

日本的所有东西都来自中国。但是日本人不愿意谈论。EverythingJapan is, she got from China. They hate to talk about it tho.

水是生命之源,保护水资源十分重要。Water is tho source of our lives. It is very important to protect water.

五月份黎德寿就曾幸灾乐祸地对我大谈国会压力的问题。Le Duc Tho had gloated to me in May of the Congressional pressures on us.

我逐渐明白,黎德寿把谈判看作是另一种战斗。I grew to understand that le duc tho considered negotiations as another battle.

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在黎德寿出场之前,河内显然不会把它所有的牌都亮出来。Obviously hanoi would not show its full hand until le duc tho was on the scene.

尽管西方所能做的只有动嘴谴责,俄罗斯还是害怕西方。Russia fears from the west even tho the west is all they do is talk and condemn.

即使寿的图片不显示非常好,显示器是一个全彩OLED。Even tho the pictures don ' t show it very well, the display is a full color OLED.

本文简要介绍它的设计原理和结构及工程应用。In this paper, tho design principles, structures and applications of the perforator.

这位意志坚强的母亲通过耐心的努力终于帮助她的聋哑儿子学会开口说话。The strong-willed mother managed to help her deaf son tho speak after much patience.

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史无前例,黎德寿拒绝领奖,并说在他的国家没有和平。Tho rejected his award, the only person to do so, saying there was no peace in his country.

春天和青春女神,宙斯和赫拉地女儿,是奥林匹亚诸神中地斟酒女神。The goddess of youth and spring and the daughter fo Zeus and Hera cupbearer to tho Olympian gods.

第三起死亡发生在1月27日,死者是来自北部富寿省的一名30多岁男性。The third death occurred on 27 January in a man in his 30's from the northern province of Phu Tho.