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当一个策划人。Be a planner.

我曾要做一个注册金融计划师。I was going to become a Certified Financial Planner.

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策划者首先决定使用哪种宣传媒体。A planner first must decide which kinds of media to use.

你是否天生是个数学家,作家或者宴会策划人?Are you a natural mathematician , writer, or party planner?

相反,一个中央计划者将寻求利用所有的工人。Instead, a central planner would find a use for all workers.

监控和指导物料计划员实施JIT物料拉动。Monitor and direct material planner on JIT material pulling.

现在她正努力朝活动策划人的方向发展。Now, she is trying to reinvent herself as an events planner.

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FC2的将有很大的要求特派团的规划接口。FC2 will feature the much requested Mission Planner interface.

你好,我是要来应徵网站企划职缺。Hello. I am here to apply for the position of Web site planner.

聘用“只收费”理财规划师的好处是?What are the benefits of hiring a "fee-only" financial planner?

你会允许白日梦而阻断了你一天的计划吗?Can you program daydreaming and spacing out in your day planner?

我用计划表或日程表来管理时间。I use a planner or calendar that allows me to manage my time. 1.

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即,计划者绝不会说,“我们从中国得的够多了。That is, the planner would never say, "We get enough from China.

生产计划有任何差异通知生产计划员。Inform Production Planner of any divergences from production plan.

中央计划者绝不会规定一些人不用工作。The central planner would never prescribe that some people not work.

协助设备保养计划员制定并优化所有设备的定期保养计划。To assist PM planner optimized PM plan for all of equipments in WujP.

积极的敬业爱岗,提高专业素养,成为策划型翻译。Love this job and keep improving to be both a planner and a translator.

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潜水前,无站式的时间规划师可以帮助你准备你的潜水。Before diving, the no-stop-time planner helps you prepare for your dive.

配载计划员正在编制装船积载图,请稍等片刻。The stowage planner is compiling the loading plan. Please wait a moment.

怎样将所学到的应用到实际中,使我成为一个更好的理财计划者?How can I apply what I have learned to become a better financial planner?