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好!一言为定。Ok, it's a deal.

这是一笔肮脏的交易。It's a dirty deal.

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那是有言在先的。That was the deal.

你知道该跟我走了。You know the deal.

好的,一言为定。Fine. That's a deal.

我们抽牌来决定谁发牌吧。Let's draw for deal.

让我来对付他。Let me deal with him.

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我可以给你个好价钱。I can give you a deal.

那是一个稳赚不赔的交易。That's a no-lose deal.

但是这项交易没有做成。But the deal was nixed.

我们经常与他打交道。We often deal with him.

这没什么大不了的啊?So, what's the big deal?

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这场决赛将是一个大买卖。The Final is a big deal.

他们常常沉湎于酒。They often deal on wine.

那笔生意将由谁来代理?Who will agent the deal?

你会处理安森的问题吧?You'll deal with Anson ?

艾维斯是协议的一部分。Avis is part of the deal.

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我们只和学校做买卖。I only deal with schools.

此次交易采用全现金方式。This is an all-cash deal.

厎我们何不做个交易?Why don't we make a deal?