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我们解放了中国的生产力。We emancipated productivity in China.

她留着一头短发,而且还是一双“解放脚”。She was young, had bobbed hair and emancipated feet.

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许多节省劳力的设备于妇女摆脱掉乏味的厨房杂役。Labor-saving devices have emancipated women from kitchen drudgery.

身子却还是翻着的,真的连翻身的余地都没有。Body but still turn over, really even emancipated leeway to all have no.

妇女仍没有完全从过去一切的不平等中解放出来。Women have not yet been emancipated from all the inequalities of the past.

妇女仍没有完全从过去一切的不平等中解放出来。Women have not yet been emancipated from all the inequalities of the past.

改革和开放也使民族精神获得了新解放。The reform and the open policy has also further emancipated the minds of the people.

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主教虽然暂时从妻子的手中解救出来,却还没有给斯洛普先生所奴役。The bishop, though temporally emancipated from his wife, was not yet enthralled to mr. slope.

直到妇女从一切形式的压迫中解放出来,自由才能得到实现。Freedom cannot be achieved unless the women have been emancipated from all forms of oppression.

思想不解放,思想僵化,很多的怪现象就产生了。When people's minds aren't yet emancipated and their thinking remains rigid, curious phenomena emerge.

“我们想把自己的日子过的消遥自在,”费蛇耳说。“我们做的是懒鬼工作。”"We choose to think of ourselves as emancipated , " Fisher said. "We're working our way up to slacker. "

同红军战士说说笑笑——对中国妇女来说,特别是对陕西妇女来说,这是非常开通的一种现象。Laugh and joke with the Red warriors, is a very emancipated way for Chinese women-especially Shensi women.

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僧人们在为这个灵魂祈祷,这灵魂曾被带到这里,但是现在它从以前的家里解放出来。The monks are praying for a spirit that was once present here, but now is emancipated from its former home.

后来我们撤消了那道命令,改用宣传教育的办法,结果群众就自动把小脚解放了。So we canceled the order and adopted propaganda methods and the people emancipated their feet by themselves.

第二次大战以后许多殖民地国家的人民获得了解放和独立。Following World War II, the people of many countries under colonial rule were emancipated and won independence.

他在非洲土生土长。在上帝的护佑下,他在公海解救了整整一艘船的同胞弟兄。He was a native African, and by the help of God he emancipated a whole ship-load of his fellowmen on the high seas.

在马娄的诠释下,得知人的主体性从伊莉莎白时代的社会规范中解放开来。In Marlowe's interpretation, human subjectivity is emancipated from the hereditary convention of Elizabethan society.

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达赖所追求的“中间道路”,就是要恢复他昔日的天堂,就是要把获得翻身解放的百万农奴重新打入黑暗的牢笼。Dalai's "Middle Way" is to restore his past heaven and put millions of already emancipated serfs back to the dark cage.

他顶礼值得顶礼的人,即已克服障碍与脱离忧悲的佛陀或佛弟子。此人向寂静无畏者顶礼所获得的功德,是无人能够计量的。Those who pay respects to such emancipated and fearless ones, nobody is able to calculate their merit as such and such.

另一座轻松建造,摆脱地面的束缚而悬于双层高的花园上方。The other was made lightheartedly, emancipated from the ground, in the air, is flying at a double height over the garden.