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苔丝爬进了这个窝里。Into this Tess crept.

不,苔丝。Tess did not expostulate.

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苔丝仍然没有答理他。Still no answer came from Tess.

黛丝跟我说了很多你的事。Tess has told me a lot about you.

烈火试真金,不幸试勇士。Fire tess gold , adversity brave men.

苔丝心想,这场完了就该散场了。This surely would end it, thought Tess.

苔丝,你说每一个星星都是每一个世界吗?Did you say the stars were worlds, Tess?

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苔丝拿起书,她母亲也就动身了。Tess took it up, and her mother started.

这张旧照叫什么名字?What's the name of this old picure tess?

苔丝气得涨红了脸,可是一句话都说不出来。Tess was red with anger but said nothing.

你真的要给他行洗礼吗,苔丝?Be you really going to christen him, Tess?

苔丝仍然不听他的劝,不肯上车。Still Tess could not be induced to remount.

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我的计划就是派苔丝去认这门亲戚。And my projick is to send Tess to claim kin.

泰丝用同样不耐烦的语调答到。Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone.

平常苔丝总是陪着她的伙伴们一起上楼。Tess usually accompanied her fellows upstairs.

苔丝扭动着她的脚弄出摩擦的声音,没有反映。Tess twisted her feet to make a noise. Nothing.

苔丝绝望地看着那一堆家具。Tess gazed desperately at the pile of furniture.

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但是苔丝读到这些字,却感到有一种遭到指控的恐惧。But the words entered Tess with accusatory horror.

泰丝那时正努力使自己摆脱过去的生活。Tess was trying to wean herself from the old life.

看见苔丝站在那儿东张西望,他就走了过去。Seeing Tess standing at gaze he went across to her.