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休战条约已草草订就了。A truce has been patched up.

我们将与他们就停火进行谈判。We will transact with them for truce.

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白旗是停战的普遍象征。A white flag is the universal symbol for truce.

好了,咁依家我地继续打仗定系叫返个暂停先呢?Now should I keep going or should we call truce?

在546年,金楚同意又一次停火协议。In 546 BC, Jin and Chu agreed to yet another truce.

他们协商出一个还款协议,还要给老石找份工作。He'd negotiate a truce a repayment plan a job search.

去年6月,以色列和哈马斯同意6个月的停火协议。Last June, Israel and Hamas agreed to a six-month truce.

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这事过后不久,理查就和撒拉逊人停战和好。Soon after this, Richard made a truce with the Saracens.

以色列政府也拒绝停战的建议。The Israeli government also rejected the truce proposal.

一份休战的联合公报在那年6月5日发表。A joint communique of truce was issued on June 5 that year.

现在,宜家公司与孤身人们仍然处于紧张的休战阶段。For now, IKEA and the lonely hearts are in an uneasy truce.

各方官员在板门店休战村会见。Officers from each side met at the truce village of Panmunjom.

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对中国,这是另一层意义的外交休兵。To Beijing, this constitutes another form of diplomatic truce.

马英九还要求从“外交休兵”开始。Mr Ma has also called from the outset for a "diplomatic truce".

所有的军官都应该拒绝谈判,并用火力驱逐劝降军使。All offers were rejected, and truce envoys were fended off by fire.

这标志着这一长期的外交战将进入休战阶段。This marks another phase of a truce in a protracted diplomatic war.

那些在战争中的邻国都会号召暂时休兵以参加运动会。Neighbors who were at war would call a truce to participate in the games.

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盖特曼卡琳瑙斯基带着他掌握的全面胜利,同意休战。Hetman Kalinowski, with complete victory within his grasp, agreed to a truce.

政治分析人士说,结束停火协议会使得双方更加对立。Political analysts say ending the truce will polarize the two sides even further.

控制着加沙的哈马斯激进分子在12月19日结束了和以色列为期6个月的停火。Hamas militants who rule Gaza ended a six-month truce with Israel on December 19th.