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我们在马洛卡玩得很开心,尼尔。Having a great time here in Mallorca. Neil.

在马略卡岛上的其他地方还可以找到更漂亮的海滩。There are nicer bays to be found on Mallorca.

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其实这里是马略卡岛上著名景点之一。Actually this is one of the most visited places of Mallorca.

马略卡岛帕尔马的一个市场,顾客等在一家忙碌的商店里。Customerswait in a busy shop in a market in Palma, Mallorca.

客户在一间繁忙位于马洛卡帕尔马市场的店边。Customers wait in a busy shop in a market in Palma, Mallorca.

著名的马略卡岛是最大的群体。The well-known island of Mallorca is the largest in the group.

比如马略卡岛最东北部的灯塔。Such as the lighthouse at the very north-eastern end of Mallorca.

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马洛卡前锋古伊萨承认他梦想加盟罗马。Real Mallorca striker Dani Guiza admits he fancies a move to Roma.

这就是为什么我想回到马洛卡,把我在球场上最后的微笑留在那里。That's why I hope my last smile on a football field will be with Mallorca.

偶的航班预定是在马洛卡停一下然后再飞到汉堡。My flight was scheduled to stopover in Mallorca and then continue to Hamburg.

马略卡即将宣布与切尔西进攻球员特杰拉德签约。Real Mallorca are close to announcing a deal for Chelsea attacker Sergio Tejera.

马洛卡和马竞在关于对中场球员伊加巴萨的违约金的商谈中陷入僵局。Real Mallorca are locked in talks with Atletico Madrid for midfielder Ariel Ibagaza.

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该教堂建于1230年,也就是在西班牙打退曾经占领马略卡岛的伊斯兰军之后建立的。It was built after defeating Islamic forces in 1230, which had conquered Mallorca before.

马德里开局0-1落后马洛卡,而巴塞罗那横扫塔拉格纳。Madrid were trailing 1-0 to Real Mallorca as Barcelona rampaged over Gimnastic of Tarragona.

在去年夏季的转会市场上,帕勒莫击败了巴塞罗那和切尔西这样的俱乐部,签下了扬科维奇。Palermo beat off the likes of Barcelona and Chelsea to sign Jankovic from Mallorca last summer.

贝壳确认星期天对马洛卡的比赛是他最后一次代表皇马上阵!David Beckham has confirmed Sunday's clash with Real Mallorca will be his last game for Real Madrid.

或是今夏在马洛卡单肩白色鸡尾酒会装配短粗项链?Or the one-shouldered white cocktail number that she paired this summer in Mallorca with the chunky necklace?

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球队星期三飞往帕尔玛参加他们与柏林赫塔以及主办队皇家马洛卡的比赛。United fly to Palma on Wednesday for their two-game tournament against Hertha Berlin and hosts Real Mallorca.

该是观光的时侯了,于是我们前往马略卡岛的首都——帕尔玛市观光。It was time for some sight seeing, and therefore we visited the capital of Mallorca, which is Palma de Mallorca.

马略卡天文观测中心称,用纳达尔的名字为小行星命名是为了“向这位网坛最伟大的球员”致敬。The Astronomical Observatory of Mallorca said it was a tribute to "one of the greatest tennis players of all time".