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没有歧视的意思,如果你是共和党人也一样。It’s O.K. if you’re a Republican.

我大叫“你变成一个同性恋的共和党了!”I howled , you ' ve become a gay republican.

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共和党人约翰·科宁表示,该禁令有些过了。Republican John Cornyn says it goes too far.

美国极需一个共和党的胜利。The Nation sorely needs a Republican victory.

共和党人对此反应快速并充满嘲弄。The Republican reaction was swift and derisive.

共和党众议员拉马尔.史密斯不赞同这种看法。Republican Representative Lamar Smith disagrees.


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共和党将提出让约翰逊竞选总统。The Republican Party will run Johnson for President.

但是,Frank用这个来回应共和党的批评。But Frank had this response to Republican criticisms.

一位来自德克萨斯州的共和党代表乔•巴顿说道Representative Joe Barton is a Republican from Texas.

他名义上是共和主义者,但内里却是个专制君主。Republican in title he was, but an autocrat at heart.

她以亲共和党的身份参选,以微弱差距落选。She ran as a pro-choice Republican and lost narrowly.

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投反对票的是两位共和党委员。The Republican commissioners were the two dissenters.

茶党与共和党有关联吗?Is the tea party affiliated with the Republican Party?

因此,共和党的计划是拖延并阻扰改革的进行。So the Republican plan is to delay and disrupt reform.

弗利丑闻使整个共和党乱成了一锅粥。Foley scandal has messed up the whole Republican Party.

现在是谁使美国的新保守主义共和党恐惧呢?Now who's the fear mongering American neocon Republican?

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罗马共和国,亦即罗马帝国的前身,是以城邦制发端的Rome,which began its republican history as a city-states

回答是共和党的极端化。The answer is the radicalization of the Republican Party.

来自阿拉巴马的共和党议员斯潘塞·巴克斯和来自乔治亚州的汤姆·普莱斯这样说Alabama Republican Spencer Bachus, and Georgia's Tom Price