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他是同僚中的穷光蛋。He is a fellow of the pauper.

我是说我不会要求任何姑娘给一个叫化子。I'm not asking any girl to marry a pauper.

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乌斯曼却说对穷鬼用鞭子就足够了。Usman said the pauper with a whip is enough.

白天吃得像皇帝,夜晚吃得像贫民。Eat like a king by day, like a pauper by night.

穷人和国王一样均有受教的权利。A pauper has as much a right to learn as a king.

你们每人可以得到一个头衔――穷鬼。Each oneofyou will be given a title- Pauper Pauper ?

当然,他临终时并非是个穷光蛋。And, of course, when he died, he didn't die a pauper.

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贫穷的乞丐有意停下来典当一只海豚。The poor pauper paused on purpose to pawn a porpoise.

你按部就班地干,做到老也是穷死。If you work conscientiously you 'll only die a pauper.

不过我不需要你的忠告,你认为我爸是个穷光蛋吗?But I don't need your advice. Do you think Pa is a pauper ?

纵然主人是乞丐,它也像守护王子一样伴随着他。He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.

它会像守护着王子一样守护着正在睡觉的乞丐主人。He guards the sleep of his pauper master as if he were a prince.

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据传说,那位仙女般的公主爱上了一个贫儿。Legend has it that the fairy princess fell in love with a pauper.

在生涯上的某些处所,她是一个富我,尔是一个穷鬼。So I was a pauper in a part of my life where she had always been wrapped in plenty.

换句话说,这是幻想,是童话,是公主与乞丐。In other words, it's a fantasy, it is the fairy tale, it is the princess and the pauper.

为了积攒足够的养老钱和舒舒服服的退休,你没有必要像个流浪汉一样生活。You don't have to live like a pauper to build an adequate nest egg and retire comfortably.

贫儿汤姆穿着王子的衣服在王宫里尽享荣华富贵,还当上了英国的新国王。The pauper Tom worn a prince's clothes in the palace and became the new king of the Great Britain.

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“灵性恩典”不会因为你生活的像一个“穷光蛋”或者你失去所有的财产而“背离”你。Spirituality does not however require that you live as a pauper or give up all of your possessions.

我今天早上乘公交,丢了钱包,身份证、钱、银行卡、医保卡都丢了,呵呵,成了穷光蛋。I take the bus this morning, lost his wallet, ID, money, bank cards, Medicare cards are lost, Oh, became a pauper.

他很容易推断那就是贫儿汤姆·康第有意利用他那千载难逢的机会,成了一个篡位的角色。He easily concluded that the pauper lad, Tom Canty, had deliberately taken advantage of his stupendous opportunity and become a usurper.