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听觉以及他们的胆囊。their hearing, their gallbladder.

很明显,他们并不在胆囊里。Typically, they are not in the gallbladder.

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胆囊息肉术后需要运动量吗?Does gallbladder need carry momentum after polypous art?

结果人体存在胆囊三角隐窝。Results Gallbladder of human body has triangular recess.

胆汁经总胆管流入十二指肠,并在胆囊贮存。Of or relating to bile, the bile ducts, or the gallbladder.

药剂是用蛇胆提炼而成的。This medicine was extracted from the gallbladder of snakes.

当给胆囊扫描或照X线时却什么也看不到。When the gallbladder is scanned or X-rayed nothing is seen.

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利尿,泄热,平肝,利胆。Diuresis, Let off heat, Calm the liver, Benefit gallbladder.

有2例肿瘤组织浸润胆囊壁内神经束衣。Nerve bundle of gallbladder wall was infiltrated in 2 cases.

胆囊结石,胆囊息肉,肝血管瘤。Cholecystlithiasis, polyp of gallbladder , hemangioma of liver.

增加胆囊疾病,血栓栓塞疾病的危险。Increased risk of gallbladder disease, thromboembolic disorders.

胆囊大小与CCK之间进行相关分析。Correlation analysis was applied between gallbladder size and CCK.

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胆囊病,这是内科医生在快速检查后做的推测。Gallbladder trouble, the physician surmised after a quick examination.

目的研究安氟醚麻醉下牵拉胆囊对家兔窦房结功能的影响。Objective To study the effects of pulling gallbladder on SA node function.

目的探讨先天性胆囊缺如的诊断方法。Objective To investigate the diagnostic methods for agenesis of gallbladder.

对于胆囊癌患者来说有许多种有不同类型的治疗方法。There are different types of treatment for patients with gallbladder cancer.

肝内有一个胆道系统把胆汁从肝带到十二指肠和胆囊。A duct system carries Bile from the liver to the duodenum and the gallbladder.

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无症状胆囊结石病患者胆囊排空功能的研究。Study on gallbladder emptying function in the asymptomatic gallstone patients.

复发性胆囊癌的治疗通常通过临床试验完成。Treatment of recurrent gallbladder cancer is usually done in a clinical trial.

术前仅9例考虑到胆囊内瘘的诊断,其余均在术中发现。Only 9 patients were suspected of internal gallbladder fistula pre-operatively.