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妖媚的嗜血不属光明的流浪人。Lusty bloodthirsty not of light hang out.

阿兹台克人的宗教信仰是一种嗜杀的宗教。The religion of the Aztec was a bloodthirsty one.

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我听见那些杀气腾腾的达特默思球迷大声叫好。I could hear the bloodthirsty Dartmouth fans shouting.

一群嗜血的蚂蚁被腐肉所吸引。A crow of bloodthirsty ants is attracted by the carrion.

这个野蛮的帮派粗暴、狡猾并且非常非常残忍。This brutal gang is tough, smart, and very, very bloodthirsty.

他们对嗜血的亚述人进行了顽强抵抗,而这或许曾拯救了耶路撒冷。They stood up to the bloodthirsty Assyrians, perhaps saving Jerusalem in the process.

印第安祖鲁族国王沙卡残暴嗜血,这是他的朋友、敌人都知道的。Shaka, king of the Zulus , was known to friend and foe alike as cruel and bloodthirsty.

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他一辈子从来没有听见过饥饿发狂的野兽发出如此恐怖、如此残忍的杀气腾腾的喧嚣声。Such a horrid, bloodthirsty din of hungry and angry brutes he had never heard in his life.

泰米尔·伊拉姆猛虎解放组织是世界上最无情最嗜血的组织之一。The LTTE is among the most ruthless and bloodthirsty organisations to have infested the planet.

所以当你了解到食人鱼并不像电影里刻画的那样残忍嗜血时你肯定会感到惊讶。So it may surprise you to learn that piranhas are not the bloodthirsty killers portrayed in films.

然后他们闯入亚洲和欧洲,或许在那里重演一番他们嗜杀成性的把戏。Then they broke free into Asia and Europe, perhaps in their bloodthirsty way to do the same thing there.

嘿疯婆子我也信上帝,不过我不认为他是个嗜杀的混账,是你把他说得这么不堪的。Hey, crazy lady, I believe in God too. I just don't think he's the bloodthirsty asshole, you make him out to be.

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由于被恶魔之血感染,兽人族由爱好和平的萨满教社会变成了嗜血的部落。Under the influence of demons , the orcs had changed from a peaceful shamanic society into the bloodthirsty Horde.

拉扎勒斯大主教引诱一群村民进入大教堂并将他们丢给了嗜血的恶魔屠夫。Archbishop Lazarus leads a group of villagers into the cathedral and abandons them to a bloodthirsty butcher demon.

就在今天晚上,一百个杀气腾腾的獾,提着来复枪,要从马场那边进攻蟾宫。A hundred bloodthirsty badgers , armed with rifles, are going to attack Toad Hall this very night, by way of the paddock.

诸如宗教领导地位的竞争会导致叛乱,并且对于他残暴的追随者而言,扎卡维是一个真正的埃米尔。Such rebellions benefit from having charismatic leaders, and Mr Zarqawi was a godlike emir to his bloodthirsty followers.

纳赛尔以严酷的迫害回应了兄弟会,使得兄弟会中的一些势力更加嗜血。Nasser responded with severepersecution of the Brotherhood, making some factions of the Brotherhood evenmore bloodthirsty.

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大卫和艾美知道这些嗜血的杀人狂,正企图将自己变成下一部谋杀影带的主角。The couple soon figures out that the bloodthirsty killers intend to make David and Amy the stars of their next snuff film.

李逵生性爱杀人,他的故事给陈皮带来了启发,陈皮从此踏上了嗜血的道路。Li Kuisheng sex, to kill his story brought dried tangerine or orange peel, dried tangerine or orange peel on the bloodthirsty road.

彷佛这里的浪漫与这些渡假胜地不够吸引观光客时,库克群岛的岛民们也很乐意强调他们时而嗜杀的过去。As if romance and resorts are not enough to entice tourists, Cook Islanders are also happy to play up their sometimes bloodthirsty past.