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我反对这个决定。I really disapprove this decision.

可是难以想象她会不满意你。But I cannot imagine she would disapprove of you.

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她父母不赞成她单独去跳舞。Her parents disapprove of her going to dances alone.

新教徒国家中反对虐待动物。Protestant countries disapprove of cruelty to animals.

经理或者批准订单或者不批准订单。The manager will either approve or disapprove the order.

投票人可能不同意刺激计划的很多细节。Voters may disapprove of many of the details of the stimulus package.

那些极为反感它的人高估了”嘻哈”的腐蚀性。Those who disapprove of it vastly overestimate its capacity to corrupt.

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此后,尽管这一数字有些波动,但多数人依然持反对态度。Although the numbers have bobbed around since then, most still disapprove.

我不同意你说的话,但是我誓死捍卫你说话的权力。I disapprove what you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it.

狩猎破坏者因为对猎杀狐狸持反对意见而破坏猎狐。Hunt saboteurs try to disrupt fox hunts because they disapprove of foxhunting.

同时,艾丽森必须处理与市民不赞成自己的坏名声。Meanwhile, Alison must deal with townsfolk who disapprove of her bad reputation.

我不同意你说的话,但是我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

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我不赞同你说的话,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利。I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

对那些我所不认可的人们,我是否也能有这样的谦卑、温柔之心去对待他们呢?Do I show that same humble, noncoercive attitude toward people of whom I disapprove?

而且他们也要求国会在30天内做出同意或不同意参战行动的决定。And they want to require Congress to approve or disapprove the action within 30 days.

清教徒是绝对戒酒者,有的甚至连吸烟、跳舞都反对。The Puritans are strict teetotalers, and some even disapprove of smoking and dancing.

总体上看,白人对他的评论表示不赞成的与表示赞成的相比,要占2对1的优势。Among whites in general, more disapprove than approve of his comments by a 2-1 margin.

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清教徒是绝对戒酒者,有的甚至连吸烟、跳舞都要反对。The Puritans are strict teetotallers, and some even disapprove of smoking and dancing.

就算美国联邦最高法院已经裁定这是可行的,我也绝不赞同这种做法。I entirely disapprove of that, although the US supreme court has ruled it's admissible.

我们不赞成将恐怖主义与特定的国家、民族和宗教相联系。We disapprove of linking terrorism with any specific country, ethnic group or religion.