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这个甜瓜太软了。This cantaloupe is too soft.

译为安迪和贝蒂昨天吃了很多香瓜。Dean adn Betty pigged on cantaloupe yesterday.

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橙汁,西瓜汁,木瓜汁,香瓜汁和苹果汁。Orange, Watermelon, Papaya, Cantaloupe and apple.

把蜜瓜或美国香瓜切成块。Slice up a a honeydew melon or cantaloupe into chunks.

我准备切哈密瓜给儿子当早餐,刚开始又停了下来。I start to cut the cantaloupe for my sons' breakfast and stop.

此外,擦洗有粗糙表面的水果,例如甜瓜,要用软毛的刷子。Also, scrub fruits with rough surfaces like cantaloupe with a soft brush.

在我国新疆,有一种非常出名的水果,那就是哈密瓜。In China, Xinjiang, there is a very well-known as a fruit, that is cantaloupe.

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一个哈密瓜太大吃不完,可以每天早上搭配早餐只吃一小块。Can't use up a whole cantaloupe by having a slice every morning with breakfast?

挖一勺松软干酪涂到香瓜或者蜜露上,再在上边撒点桂皮。Scoop nonfat cottage cheese into a cantaloupe or honeydew half, and top with a dash of cinnamon.

每周可以在食品杂货店购买香瓜,干完杂活后将其切成片状。Every week , buy a cantaloupe at the grocery store and cut it up after you put away your groceries.

他们和Yulida的母亲一起住在她的家里,刷成哈密瓜色的一个传统大房子。They live with Yulida's mother in her home, a traditional rumah gadang painted the color of cantaloupe.

学习如何准备在这个自由食谱视频哈密瓜美食水果汤与专家烹饪技巧。Learn how to prepare cantaloupe for Gourmet Fruit Soup with expert cooking tips in this free recipe video.

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当然你也可以用西瓜或甜瓜做这道饮品,不过我只试过用蜜瓜和美国香瓜做。You could probably make this with watermelon or any other sweet melon, but I've only tried honeydew and cantaloupe.

当然你也可以用西瓜或甜瓜做这道饮品,不过我只试过用蜜瓜和美国香瓜做You could probably make this with watermelon or any other sweet melon, but I’ve only tried honeydew and cantaloupe.

下次去意大利餐厅时,点一份火腿哈密瓜开胃菜。Next time when you have dinner in an Italian restaurant, order yourself prosciutto with cantaloupe to start the meal.

利用不同浓度的2,4-D处理香瓜种子,观察种子萌发时发芽率及根的生长状况。Cantaloupe seeds were treated with different consistency 2,4-D and observed the germination rate of seeds and root growth.

在位于科罗拉多州格拉纳达的延森农场包装设施,人们从设备和蜜瓜样本上找到了和该病符合的菌落。Matching strains of the disease were found on equipment and cantaloupe samples at Jensen Farms' packing facility in Granada, Colo.

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本发明公开了一种哈密瓜的加工方法,特别是一种鲜食哈密瓜汁或块的加工方法。The invention discloses a cantaloupe processing method, in particular relates to a fresh cantaloupe juice or block processing method.

像胡萝卜,南瓜,白薯,菠菜,果汁,大头菜,甜菜,杏子以及哈密瓜。Sources of vitamin A include carrots, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, spinach, water squash, turnip greens, beet greens, apricots, and cantaloupe.

将西瓜或哈密瓜粒加入汤中、将冷汤均匀的分倒入四个冷汤碗中、将混合好的香草虾粒加入汤中混合、即可供食。Fold watermelon or cantaloupe into soup. Divide soup evenly among 4 chilled bowls and top each with dollop of shrimp mixture. Serve immediately.