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我想让格林伯格做我的民意测验人。I wanted Greenberg to be my pollster.

哈佛大学民意测评专家罗伯特·布雷顿称民调依然不甚清晰。pollster Robert Blendon said public opinion remains mixed.

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赛林达·莱克是民主党民调专家和政治谋士。Celinda Lake is a Democratic pollster and political strategist.

1983年的那个时候,里根的工作赞同率是百分之37。"Reagan had a 37-percent job approval rating at this point in 1983," said the pollster.

据说他还曾寄了一条死鱼给一位惹火他的竞选阵营民调分析师。Emanuel is also said to have mailed a smelly dead fish to a campaign pollster who upset him.

早在半年前伊福普民调机构开展的一项对比调查中,这位足球名将就已是“独占鳌头”。The footballer had already come first in a comparable survey by pollster Ifop six months ago.

共和党民意测验专家弗兰克Luntz说,许多共和党人想看到克里斯蒂参加总统竞选。Republican pollster Frank Luntz says many Republicans would like to see Christie run for president.

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一位共和党的民意测评专家说,人民会认为奥巴马把持这次破产。"The perception will be that Barack Obama owns this bankruptcy, " said Neil Newhouse, a Republican pollster.

共和党智囊理查‘沃斯琳称它们为“总统选举史上第六大最具破坏力的词。”Republican pollster Richard Wirthlin called them "the six most destructive words in the history of presidential politics."

昆尼皮亚克大学的民调专家彼得。布朗说,尽管凯恩将会受到大量的关注,但他的参选将会继续获得更多的支持。Quinnipiac University pollster Peter Brown says Cain's challenge will be to continue building support even as attention on him intensifies.

“大约有三分之一的潜在选民说在詹姆斯•科米的曝光后,他们不太想要支持希拉里了,”民意调查员加里•兰格说。"About a third of likely voters say they are less likely to support Clinton given FBI director James Comeys disclosure", said pollster Gary Langer.

昆尼皮亚克大学民调专家彼德。布朗说,佩林获得保守派选民高度支持,但仍不受中间派和民主党选民欢迎。Palin gets high ratings from conservative voters, but remains unpopular with centrists and Democrats, says Quinnipiac University pollster Peter Brown.

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民调专家布朗说,看来米歇尔·巴克曼在保守的共和党人中获得越来越多的支持,共和党人正在寻求前州长罗姆尼的替代人选。Pollster Brown says Michele Bachmann appears to be gaining momentum among conservative Republicans looking for an alternative to former governor Romney.

格林尼匹亚大学负责民调的彼得·布朗恩说,很多民众在麦凯恩和奥巴马之间迟迟不能作出选择,主要是出于这样的原因Quinnipiac University pollster Peter Brown says there is one main reason why many voters seem to be holding off in deciding between candidates McCain and Obama.

奎尼匹埃克大学从事民意调查的克莱.理查兹说,很显然,很大一批选民对将在11月的选举中支持哪位候选人已经作出了决定。Quinnipiac University pollster Clay Richards says a large number of voters apparently have already made up their minds about which candidate to support in November.

不过,格林尼匹亚大学的民调专家彼得·布朗恩说,到目前为止,没有证据显示,奥巴马的这次外交之旅,在公关方面有很大收获。But Quinnipiac pollster Peter Brown says that so far, there is little evidence to suggest that Obama got much of a public relations boost, or bounce, out of his trip.

民主党民意调查员莱克说,她帮助进行了最新的垮党派选情调查,并发现两位候选人都受到公众的欢迎。Democratic pollster Celinda Lake says the latest bipartisan Battleground poll, which she helped conduct, found that both Obama and McCain remain popular with the public.

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昆尼皮亚克大学的民意调查员彼得。布朗说,最近的民调显示,川普和前阿拉斯加州长佩林都有严重的公众形像问题。Quinnipiac University pollster Peter Brown says recent surveys showed that Trump and former Alaska governor Sarah Palin have some serious image problems with the public.

然而调查显示,公众最为关心猖獗的犯罪,对通胀和这个国家其他经济问题的担忧也名列前茅,加拉加斯一家调查机构的奥斯卡·舒梅尔表示。While polls show that rampant crime is the public's biggest concern, inflation and the country's economic problems rank high, said Oscar Schemel, a Caracas-based pollster.

昆尼匹克大学的民调员彼得·布朗认为,佩林有可能赢得共和党总统候选人提名,但是,她在大选中将面临一场艰苦的战斗。Quinnipiac pollster Peter Brown says Sarah Palin might be able to win the Republican Party's presidential nomination but would face an uphill fight in the general election.